Chapter 449 Conspiracy 26
He raised his head abruptly, looked at Ye Rumu with fierce eyes, "Are you talking once?"

"Ah, so you are really pretending to be dead! I thought you were really dead." Ye Rumu patted his chest, as if frightened.

"Come on! Tear her mouth apart!" Hei Ji yelled frantically, screaming with rage.

As Hei Ji's voice fell to the ground, a hundred or so uniformly dressed men in white suddenly appeared around her. It could be seen from the clothes that these people were not from Dongxing Kingdom, and their clothes ran counter to Dongxing Kingdom. It also looks more sinister.

Ye Rumu squinted his eyes, probably because the terrain of Nanman Kingdom is low, cold and humid, and because of the production of poison, the people of Nanman Kingdom also look extraordinarily ruthless.

"Yes! Miss!" Hundreds of men in white clothes responded in unison.

Hei Ji turned out to be the young lady of Chunyu's family.

Ye Rumu squinted his eyes. When he heard about this black concubine before, all he heard was how powerful and cruel she was. Most of them were talking about her "deeds"!
But never paid attention to her identity.

Now it seems that Hei Ji's identity is not simple.

Miss Chunyu's family?
The Chunyu family has a high status in the Nanman country, and they are courtiers who can overshadow the sky with one hand. It is conceivable how high the status of the Chunyu family is.

After hearing Hei Ji's orders, Chunyu Hei Ji's people rushed towards Ye Rumu and the others without saying a word, with expressionless faces, as if they didn't feel any fear at all.

"This should be the dead men of the Chunyu family, everyone be careful." Baili Yao looked at the expressions of the dead men twice, and said suddenly.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows fiercely, the most powerful of the Chunyu family is the dead soldiers they trained, they are obviously living people, but they can make people look like dead people, and they have no complaints about working for them. Thoughts, but never the idea of ​​betrayal, this is also the strength of Chunyu's family.

It's a dead man... that's troublesome!The dead man is like a puppet, he doesn't know what pain is at all, let alone flinch, it is quite difficult to deal with.

Before, I heard that because of offending a master of Chunyu's family, a power in the world was mobilized by that master to wipe out the whole power in the world, but no one in the world dared to speak out. This proves that This is how powerful Chunyu's family is.

"As expected of the Prince Regent, you know a lot? But, even if you look pretty, I won't be soft!" Hei Ji's voice was soft, but what she said didn't sound like that.

She wouldn't be soft before, and after Baili Yao made her so embarrassing in public, she won't!

"If you have the ability, do it." Baili Yao's eyes were silent, without any fear.

This surprised Hei Ji, after hearing about the dead men of Chunyu's family, she wasn't afraid at all?
You know, in this world, as long as you know about the death of Chunyu's family, there is no one who is not afraid!

Chunyu Heiji thought that Baili Yao would not be an exception.

But now it seems that she was wrong.

"Hehe." Chunyu Heiji sneered, stepped back a few steps, and gave way to the dead man.

Originally, I didn't plan to do anything when I came here, and I left everything to the omnipotent dead soldier.But who knew that Baili Yao would provoke her like this?Since this is the case, no wonder she is!
When all the dead soldiers of Chunyu's family came, Ye Rumu said solemnly, "Take care,
(End of this chapter)

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