Chapter 450 Conspiracy 27
He jumped up first, Baili Yao narrowed his eyes, and rushed up with Ye Rumu.

In the blink of an eye, the war was on the verge of breaking out, and the big movement caught the attention of the Ye family and the people in the surrounding houses in an instant.

Fortunately, there were not many people living in the place where the Ye family lived, so it didn't attract too much attention, but everyone who should hear it still heard it.

Everyone woke up from their sleep and ran to the place where Ye Rumu and others were fighting.

Seeing Ye Rumu and Baili Yao wrestling with a woman who didn't know who it was, a battle as big as two hundred people, everyone was frightened.

Especially after Ye Wensheng arrived, seeing Ye Rumu confronting others dangerously, he was shocked!
Ye Wensheng turned around in a hurry, but seeing his daughter's skillful skill in fighting among the enemies, he felt a little relieved.

Seeing the people in uniform white clothes, Ye Wensheng was so frightened that his heart pounded. He searched the crowd, and finally saw Chunyu Heiji.

This is from the Chunyu family of the Nanman Kingdom!
Ye Wensheng was stunned. For Ye Wensheng who knew who his enemies were, it was not difficult to recognize Chunyu Heiji. When he went to the Nanman Kingdom to do business, Ye Wensheng inquired about Chunyu's family members intentionally or unintentionally, so he would naturally know this. She was a ruthless young lady from Chunyu's family who didn't have much reputation.

Unexpectedly, those people still came.

Ye Wensheng sighed, hated that he didn't have the slightest force, and could only watch Ye Rumu confront others.

When Ye Rumu accidentally lost his mind and was hit by the dead man's palm and fell from the air, Ye Wensheng's heart beat suddenly and he screamed, "Mu'er!"

Fortunately, when it fell halfway, Baili Yao flew over quickly and caught Ye Rumu, only to save Ye Rumu from falling into a meatloaf.

Baili Yao put Ye Rumu on the ground and asked softly, "My lady, how are you doing?"

Ye Rumu clutched his chest, took out a pill from his bosom and swallowed it, and then said, "It's fine, you don't have to worry."

Seeing that Ye Rumu's face was pale, but there was no other abnormality, Baili Yao was still not at ease, and said worriedly: "My lady, why don't you go to the side and rest first."

Ye Rumu frowned first, then raised his eyes to look at the two sides. The two sides are evenly matched, and it will be impossible to tell the winner for a while.

The most important thing is that the dead men of the Chunyu family did not hesitate to die, and Ye Rumu would never threaten the lives of anyone on his side.

Ye Rumu thought for a while, and at this moment there was a dull pain in his chest, and he frowned slightly, in order not to let Baili Yao see the difference, he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go to the side to rest first, You have to be careful!"

As he said that, Ye Rumu endured the dull pain in his chest, stood up, walked briskly, and walked towards the open space with great difficulty.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu for a while, then turned around and went back to continue.

Ye Rumu felt that Baili Yao was gone, and his eyes were no longer on him. Now he couldn't bear it anymore, and spurted out a mouthful of black blood!
Seeing the black blood, Ye Rumu's face turned pale, his eyes flickered, and it took a long time before he returned to normal.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Ye Rumu continued walking as usual.

"Mu'er." Not far away, came Ye Wensheng's voice, which made Ye Rumu stunned and looked up.

(End of this chapter)

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