Chapter 481 Ye Xiaoye Missing 2
But why didn't he find out?

"What's the difference? I'll just sleep well?" The old poison doctor thought, when he finally lost consciousness, he really went to bed.

As for how he appeared outside, ask him, how did he know!

"This matter is very problematic." Baili Yao said.

Those people used severe poison on Ye Rumu. However, this may only be cured by an old poison doctor.

Therefore, those who know that the old poison doctor is here will try their best to lure the old poison doctor away.

If the old poison doctor can't be found, Ye Rumu will be in trouble.

"Then what's the relationship between Chunyu Heiji and the Ye family? Or, what's the grudge against Mu'er? Even if she wanted the Water Spirit Orb, she wouldn't make such a heavy hand. There must be other hidden secrets in it!" The poison doctor The old man rolled his eyes, thought for a while and said.

"This..." Ye Wensheng said out of shame.

The old poison doctor narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Wensheng suddenly, "What's going on? Tell me quickly?"

Seeing Ye Wensheng's uneasy look, he knew that this incident might have something to do with him.

Just not sure what it is.

"Chunyu's family and our Ye family are feuds! How could they spare my descendants of the Ye family while grabbing the Lingzhu!" Ye Wensheng shook his head and sighed, he didn't want to do this either.

"What? That family is actually a feud with you, why didn't you tell me earlier!" The old poison doctor said in surprise.

"Why didn't Mu'er tell me earlier? If I had told me earlier, I could have helped you a little bit, you guys!" The old poison doctor also knew now. Since it was a world feud, when he got the Lingzhu, he would naturally Nor will the offspring of the feud be allowed to live.

"This... How can such a thing be said to the outside world, besides, if it is said, it is estimated..." Ye Wensheng shook his head, and did not continue to say.

"Forget it, it's too late to talk about such things now. Who cares what family they are? Those who bullied Girl Mu, I want them to pay back ten times." The old poison doctor said firmly.

Ye Rumu is like his own daughter, and now the person he regards as his daughter is lying on the bed with a pale face and unconscious.

Although he was rescued, the old poison doctor knew that if he didn't take good care of him in the future, his body would be worse than before.

This was also a big blow to Ye Rumu.

"Ah..." Ye Wensheng sighed, even if his daughter was being bullied, he had no ability to help him, on the contrary, someone else... helped her without thinking of anything in return, so he should be gratified.

It's just that he was very sad in his heart.

"Father, what are you talking about? What feud? How could the Ye family have a feud! Father, don't scare me..." Ye Ruqing said weakly.

It was also at this time that everyone discovered that Ye Ruqing, who had a low sense of presence, was standing aside.

There was panic on his face, as if he was worried about something?
She always thought that those people were chasing and killing Ye Rumu in the first place, and Ye Rumu provoked the matter by himself, and even made her eldest sister implicated.

But now it seems that she was wrong!

If those people are Ye family's feuds, then they are also her enemies!
"Qing'er, you've grown up too, and now that you know about this matter, Dad won't hide it from you anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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