Chapter 482 Ye Xiaoye Missing 3
In fact, our Ye family has always had a feud. Those people have been looking for the whereabouts of the descendants of our Ye family. Now, they have finally found them. They came to the door, only a small part of the reason is because of Mu'er before. In fact, a large part of the water spirit beads you have come from the followers who destroyed our Ye family's thoughts! "Ye Wensheng directly told Ye Ruqing about the bolt from the blue.

Ye Ruqing was a little stunned, he was still laughing at Ye Rumu before, and offended someone he shouldn't have, that's why he ended up like this today, right?

The results of it?Now I know that it wasn't that Ye Rumu provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, but that he blocked this disaster for the sake of the entire Ye family!
"Father, stop joking with me. How could this happen? How could our Ye family's feud be the most powerful family in the Southern Man Kingdom, the Chunyu family? Father, tell me, are you joking?" Ye Ruqing said His face immediately turned pale.

Chunyu family, if they meet them, will the Ye family still survive?

Probably no more?
Ye Ruqing couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, what was the psychology of laughing at others before?What is the psychological gap now.

"Qing'er, Dad won't use this kind of thing to joke with you." Ye Wensheng looked serious.

Even if Ye Ruqing didn't want to believe it, he had to believe it.

Everyone has come to your door, how can she not believe it?
"Then...Father, what should we do now? Do we just sit and wait for others to come to our door?" Ye Ruqing regretted that she was born in Ye's family.

Although I have enjoyed inexhaustible gold and silver jewelry since I was a child, eating the best and using the best, but what is the use of that?That is more important than life!
The most powerful thing about Chunyu's family is that they can kill people invisible.

You may be killed by them while you are sleeping, eating, or relaxing.

Ye Ruqing didn't want to live a life of worrying all day and all night.

"Then what can be done, alas... It was the Ye family who killed your eldest sister and third sister..." If they hadn't been rescued, Ye Wensheng didn't know what to do.

"Father, don't worry too much. Soldiers will cover you with water and soil. As long as we are united, no one can destroy us." Ye Ruqing said encouragingly.

Ye Wensheng shook his head. After all, Yan Ruqing was still too young, and her thoughts were so naive.

Baili Yao walked up to Ye Rumu's side, hugged her up, and said to everyone, "I'm taking Mu'er back to rest first. It's getting late, you should rest earlier."

The old poison doctor knew that what Ye Rumu needed most was to rest, and now that there were so many people here, it was impossible to rest, so he could only nod his head.

And said: "Boy, you have to watch Mu'er carefully, and come to me immediately if you have any questions, do you understand?"

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will keep it in mind." Baili Yao nodded, and looked down at Ye Rumu's slightly warmer face, finally feeling less heavy.

Ye Wensheng originally wanted to see Ye Rumu for a while, but he also knew that the current environment did not allow it.

He could only watch Baili Yao take Ye Rumu away.

That's all, anyway, I can't help anything now, as long as I don't make trouble.

"Well, just write it down, I'm afraid you won't remember it. Okay, okay, let's go quickly." The old poison doctor waved his hand impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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