Chapter 483 Ye Xiaoye Missing 4
"Junior go first." Baili Yao nodded to the old poison doctor, then nodded to Ye Wensheng, and then left with Ye Rumu in his arms.

When they left, the old poison doctor looked at the rest of the people, frowned and said: "Okay, okay, you guys go now too, don't stay here with me."

The old poison doctor waved his hand impatiently.

After thanking Ye Wensheng thousands of times, he also left with the crowd.

After everyone left, the old poison doctor sat cross-legged on the soft couch, propping his chin and thinking about something.

He slept well in the room, how could he become outside?There must be something strange about this.

And there are big problems.

"Where did the problem come from?" the old poison doctor murmured, really unable to figure it out.

If it was said that those people drugged him, then he would definitely notice it. It was impossible. He was drugged and let others carry him outside to release him.

The problem here is self-evident.

"How did they do it? Could it be that I actually suffered from sleepwalking?" The old poison doctor has always remembered this. Could it be true that he had sleepwalking, so he walked out by himself?
Otherwise, other problems are impossible.

However, everything is possible, which is not absolute.

"Leave him alone, go to sleep, go to sleep." The old poison doctor shook his head, turned around and walked into the room to go to sleep.

Baili Yao took Ye Rumu back to Qingmuyuan, and after Ye Rumu was settled, Baili Yao lay beside him, looking at Ye Rumu's face quietly.

"My lady, when will you wake up." When he was with the old poison doctor, Baili Yao didn't dare to ask this question, he was afraid that what he heard would be unbearable.

He would rather wait quietly, believing that Ye Rumu will wake up soon.

Ye Rumu won't have the heart to leave him and the child behind.

"Miss, if you're tired, go to bed at ease, I will take good care of the child." Baili Yao murmured softly, closed his eyes beside Ye Rumu, and fell into a deep sleep with her in his arms.

Ye Rumu's fingertips moved subconsciously.

But it only moved for a moment, and there was no more movement.

Baili Yao, who had already fallen asleep, did not notice this.

On the second day, after Baili Yao got up, he first wiped Ye Rumu's face and so on.

Seeing that it was getting late outside, it was probably time to wake Ye Xiaoye up.

Baili Yao said softly to Ye Rumu: "Lady, I'll go and see our son first, and then I'll see you later."

After touching Ye Rumu's hair, Baili Yao got up and left.

When he arrived at Ye Xiaoye's room, Baili Yao pushed the door open and entered, but saw that the quilt on the bed had been lifted, but there was no one there! !

"Ye'er?" Baili Yao called out tentatively, but there was no response.

He frowned, thinking that maybe he was taking care of Ye Rumu, and didn't notice Ye Xiaoye got up.

But Baili Yao didn't look for anyone first, he was still worried, so he turned and left Ye Xiaoye's room.

When I came out, I saw Qingxue, called Qingxue, and asked, "Qingxue, have you seen Ye'er?"

Qingxue stopped, looked at Baili Yao suspiciously, frowned and said, "No, isn't the little master sleeping? The little master hasn't gotten up yet today! My lord, what do you need from the little master, do you want me to go?" Tell the little master to get up?"

Looking at the time, it's time to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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