Chapter 486 Ye Xiaoye Missing 7
If those people really want to come to Ye Xiaoye to take revenge on him, it is actually not impossible.

"The lord is already investigating the people around him?" This made Qingran a little surprised.

Before, Baili Yao asked them to check all the people around Ye Rumu.

I thought that Baili Yao was only suspicious of the people around Ye Rumu, but he never doubted the people around him.

Baili Yao nodded, "I've checked all the people I can, and I believe there will be results soon."

If Ye Rumu was really taken away by his enemy, then Baili Yao would hate himself to death.

"My lord, don't worry too much. My lord is tired after taking care of the Lord these few days, let us do the next thing." Qingxin persuaded with some worry.

Because of this matter and taking care of Ye Rumu, Baili Yao has not closed his eyes for several days and nights. If this continues, the Lord may wake up, the little master will be found, and the prince will collapse.

"I'm fine." Baili Yao shook his head lightly.

These things made him sleep restlessly, so he stopped sleeping.

"My lord, how can you be fine? You haven't slept for days and nights, and you haven't eaten well. You should take a rest first! It's not an option if you go on like this. If you fall down, who will take care of the princess..." Yun Feng also took the opportunity to persuade.

Seeing that Baili Yao was busy doing this and that almost without eating, drinking, or sleeping these days, and he couldn't help much, he was very ashamed.

Baili Yao frowned, reached out and rubbed the corners of his eyes helplessly, relieved the sore eyes, and nodded: "The king will take a rest later."

Seeing that Baili Yao agreed, everyone felt relieved.

"Could Jun Moli do this?" Qing Jue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

After Qing Jue said, Qing Yao also said: "It's not impossible, the lord and the prince refused to help him, maybe he wanted to use the little master to threaten the lord and the lord."

Baili Yao frowned, lowered his head and began to meditate.

"Yunfeng." After thinking for a while, Baili Yao raised his head and called Yunfeng's name.

"My lord." Yunfeng cupped his hands and said.

"Immediately ask someone to investigate Jun Moli's whereabouts in the past few days. There are no details, so you must find out everything. This king wants to know." Baili Yao acted vigorously, and immediately asked people to do it.

"Yes! My lord." Yunfeng cupped his hands again, turned and left.

Baili Yao squinted his eyes, could it really be Jun Moli?
Only Jun Moli knew Ye Rumu's identity in the dark, and it was not impossible to use yesterday's chaos to do this.

"Okay, you guys go down first, and tell me if you have anything to do." Baili Yao closed his eyes tiredly, and said lightly.

"Yes." Several people responded in unison, and immediately retreated without disturbing Baili Yao.

Everyone left, Baili Yao looked at the stairs of Qingmuyuan, where Ye Rumu was, but suddenly dared not go up.

He lost Ye Xiaoye and couldn't find anyone for so many days. He didn't know how to face Ye Rumu.

Before knowing that Ye Rumu would not wake up so quickly, she dared to go up, but now knowing that she was about to wake up, all courage was lost.

"Alas..." Baili Yao sighed, feeling very guilty in his heart.

It's because he didn't take good care of the child.

In the end, unable to resist the struggle in his heart and wanting to be by his side, Baili Yao walked up step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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