Chapter 487 Ye Xiaoye Missing 8
Pushing open the door of the room, walked to Ye Rumu's side, sat on the chair beside her bed, and quietly looked at her sleeping face.

"My lady, when will you wake up..." Baili Yao asked softly.

It seemed to be asking Ye Rumu, and it seemed to be asking himself.


Qingxue and others walked out of the Qingmuyuan, gathered together, and discussed what to do next.

"Qingran, now that the master is not here, all the business matters are entrusted to you. You have to help the master well. When the master wakes up, let her see that you have made another big step." Qing Yao is stroking Qingran's head like a big sister.

In fact, Qing Yao is a few years older than Qing Ran, and she is indeed a sister.

Qing Ran curled her lips and muttered, "Got it."

"I just don't know when the Lord will be able to wake up..."

"I will wake up soon, didn't the old poison doctor say that I will recover soon." Qingxin comforted.

"By the way. Qingjue, Qingxin Qingxue, you were all in Ye Mansion that day, did you find anything unusual? Did you find anything weird?" Qing Yao asked.

There must be something wrong, otherwise how could there be no news at all?

One must know that Yuexuan Pavilion is the best at collecting information, anyone can be their eyes and ears, if they can't collect it, who else can?

"Chunyu and Heiji have already attracted the attention of that day, and no one has noticed the movement in Qingmuyuan." Qingxue shook her head.

Qing Yao has asked these things many times.

But Qingxue answered patiently.

After all, she was also afraid that she might have missed something.

"Isn't there anyone in Qingmuyuan that day?" Qing Yao sighed.

"Probably not. All the people are going to resist Chunyu's family's attack." Qingxin thought for a while, but couldn't think of anyone else who might stay in Qingmuyuan.

"Okay, then let's look for it again. Maybe we missed some important clues. If that person has been to Qingmuyuan, there may be clues left behind. Let's investigate again." Qing Yao knows, now There is no use in haste.

Why don't you be patient and search Qingmuyuan again and again to see if that person has left anything behind?
"Okay." Everyone nodded.

Those who should stay should stay, and those who should go out to investigate should go out to investigate.

I don't believe that no one has seen a big living person with a child?
When Ye Xiaoye was taken away, it was midnight, and everyone was already asleep, so he couldn't see normal.

But if you take people away from Zhan City, they will always be seen, right?
The reason why it is confirmed that the people are no longer in Zhancheng is because they almost dug the whole city of Zhan three feet to find it.

Still not found.

So it is certain that people may have left Zhancheng, and if they leave in a hurry, they will definitely not wait for the night.

Maybe it was seen or not.

If someone sees and knows the clues, maybe they will know where you are going.


Yunying took Ye Xiaoye all the way to the north, rushing every day without stopping.

Ye Xiaoye and Yunying sat on the same horse, and Yunying drove the horse without stopping for a moment.

"Uncle, how long has it been? Why haven't I seen my parents yet? Where are they?" Ye Xiaoye rubbed his chin and asked boredly.

"We'll be there soon." Yunying said the same thing.

(End of this chapter)

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