Chapter 518 Premeditated 2
Not at all impatient.

Ye Xiaoye only struggled for a while, then became obedient, anyway, he had nothing to do now, obediently followed Yunying to the side of the bed, took off his shoes and climbed up, covered the quilt, but saw that Yunying did not move at all , could not help asking strangely: "Uncle Yunying, are you still not sleeping?"

Yunying nodded and explained: "Uncle Yunying still has some things to do, so he can't sleep yet, you go to bed first, okay? I'll be back soon, you have to be obedient."

"Yeah, I've always been good!" Ye Xiaoye nodded reassuringly, her rosy and soft face was very cute.

"That's good!" Yunying chuckled, sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Ye Xiaoye to fall asleep, then checked whether the doors and windows were closed tightly, then went out, and walked to the place where the signal flare was just set off.

As soon as he got close, there was a voice of conversation over there, which made Yunying stop.

"Elder, now that Bailiyao is not in the capital, it is a good time to create some chaos! Before that old man Bailiyu dared to do this to our Poisonous Wolf Cult, now it is time for him to pay back! The opportunity is not lost, the elder is still hesitating What?" In the Poisonous Wolf Cult, a relatively high-ranking member of the church whispered to the old man in front of him, his tone of excitement could not be concealed.

You can kill again.

Thinking of this, the believers felt that their blood was boiling.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had *meat!It's all the Holy Maiden's fault, saying that it is inappropriate to act now, causing him to hold back for a long time!
The old man known as the elder stroked his long beard on his chin, frowned slightly and shook his head, "Zi Ming, don't act rashly, you must tell the saint about this matter first! Otherwise, if you offend the saint , there are good fruits for you to eat!"

The current Saintess is no less vicious than the previous leader!If you do something that makes her unhappy, wait until you choose the way to die!
"Elder! I'm doing this for the sake of our Poisonous Wolf Church! This is a great opportunity, maybe the saint will support it! This is an opportunity to make great contributions! Elder!" Zi Ming shook his head and looked at the elder in confusion.

Why do you have to listen to the saint, that hairless little girl?It is obvious that the elders should hold the real power. To be honest, the saint is just a decoration!
Although the saint is the daughter of the previous leader, she should be the successor of the leader now, but the saint is unwilling to do so, she just wants to be a saint without any real power.

So, the three elders are used to these things that whoever offends the saint will be beaten to death by the saint!If no one is used to her, how could she develop such a ruthless method no matter whether it is outsiders, enemies or her own people?
"Presumptuous! What are we going to do, how can we surpass the saint?" The elder shook his head and spoke in disapproval.

What I wanted to do before was done after discussing with Gu Xin'er, and Gu Xin'er agreed to do it. In the heart of the elder, he still valued this saint. Rare!
As for willfulness and cruelty, let alone those things!
As the leader of the Poisonous Wolf Sect, one must have a vicious and hard heart in order to be able to sustain it!

"Elder! It's not that I don't want to discuss with the saint, it's just that the saint has gone somewhere now, and when the saint is found, Baili Yao should come back!
(End of this chapter)

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