Chapter 519 Premeditated 3
When the time comes... Isn't it impossible to carry out all our plans?I also want to avenge the former leader, the saint will not be angry! "Zi Ming is still persuading them. They don't know how long they have been watching this capital. Finally, they saw Baili Yao leave the city. After calling people, they couldn't find the saint again!

The elder shook his head, feeling that Ziming was still too young, he sighed and said, "Ziming! Everyone understands Sheng's erratic temper, so don't hit the knife edge! That's all, I It's useless to tell you more, just remember, just listen to me, I watched you grow up, I won't harm you!" After finishing speaking, the elder shook his head and brushed his beard and left.

After the elder left, Ziming frowned and stood still. In fact, he did this not only to avenge Gu Xiner's father, but also to make great contributions to Gu Xiner and let Gu Xiner remember him. Live him.

The people touched his smooth and handsome face, he was so good-looking, there is no reason for the saint not to like it!It's just that there are too few common ones!

Thinking about it, the corners of Ziming's lips curled up. Even the elder didn't clearly and strongly stop him from doing this. Does that mean that the elder actually wanted him to do it?Just want to tell the saint?
Ziming laughed out loud, as long as someone supports him to do so, it will be fine!

It's true that the saint's temper is unpredictable, but if the saint marries him, then he may be able to sit on the position of leader, which represents dignity!

Whatever he wants to do, Ziming thinks it's worth it!

Finally, he took a look at the direction the elder was leaving, and he also looked in the opposite direction to leave.

After everyone walked away, Yunying came out from the hiding place on one side.

If I read correctly, that elder is the third elder of the Poisonous Wolf Sect, Elder Yongquan.

And that man is Li Ziming, a well-known disciple of the Poisonous Wolf Sect!
Yunying did not expect to see Elder Yongquan and Li Ziming here.

These two people are not simple characters in Poisonous Wolf Cult!
Especially Li Ziming, who is very ambitious and has been coveting something.

Fortunately, Gu Xin'er is not here, otherwise, Gu Xin'er might nod in today's matter!
But since Yun Ying met Bai Liyao in Gu Xin'er, he knew that Gu Xin'er was very concerned about Bai Liyao's affairs. If the Poisonous Wolf Cult made something in this capital, it must be Bai Liyao is going to take charge, maybe Gu Xin'er doesn't want to worry about Bai Liyao!
"Xin'er, so many people have stepped forward for you, do you feel it?" Yun Ying said lightly.

Seeing Li Ziming coveting Gu Xin'er now, Yun Ying found that she no longer cared about it in her heart.

Perhaps, will slowly put it down!

There is nothing that can't be let go, if you say you can't let go, it's either still loving or hypocritical!

Yunying didn't care anymore, and went back to the inn room directly. Back in the room, she looked at Ye Xiaoye, who was sleeping on the bed, and walked forward, looking at Ye Xiaoye with a faint gaze, "It's still hello, everything is fine. I don’t know, and I don’t need to pretend to have anything in my heart!”

After Yunying finished speaking, Ye Xiaoye frowned, grabbed Yunying's big hand, and murmured: "Gold... so big gold..."

"Hehe..." Yunying couldn't help laughing heartily, the depression accumulated in her heart just now disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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