Chapter 520 Premeditated 4
As expected of the descendant of the richest businessman, he always thinks about gold in his dreams.

Thinking of what Ye Xiaoye told him these days, how much gold, silver and treasures Ye Xiaoye had, Yun Ying couldn't help admiring.

At such a young age, but with such wealth, the future must be limitless when he grows up!
After watching Ye Xiaoye for a while, Yunying stood up, walked to the table, found a pen, paper and ink, and quickly wrote something on the paper. After the ink was dry, he carefully folded it in half, fingers He bent up, put it to his lips and blew a sound loudly, and immediately a pure white eagle flew in.

"Xiaobai." Yunying stretched out his hand and let the eagle land on his shoulder.

Ever since Yunying left Baili Yao's side and the capital, she had not summoned this eagle.

Bai Ying rubbed Yunying's arm very skillfully, very well-behaved.

Yunying stuffed the note in his hand onto the small bamboo tube above the white eagle's feet, wiped the honey white eagle's head, and said: "Xiaobai, long time no see, this time we meet, I will trouble you to do something for me .”

Xiaobai shook his head spiritually at Yunying, saying that it doesn't matter.

"Okay, you take this letter to the prince, be sure to hurry up!" Yunying knew that if it was delayed, the capital might be in trouble.

After all, Bailiyu didn't dare to confront the Poisonous Wolf Sect. Even if Baili Yao didn't come back in time, Bailiyu would just find someone to replace him for what the Poisonous Wolf Sect did.

"Let's go." Yunying touched Xiaobai's head for the last time. Maybe this was the last time he really saw Xiaobai.

Xiaobai seemed to be able to feel that if he left this time, he would never see Yunying again. He reluctantly lingered on Yunying's body for a long time before he let out a long cry, rushed out of the window, and left the room.

Yunying silently watched Xiaobaibai's figure rush into the night, walked to Ye Xiaoye's side and lay down.

With my eyes open, I couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

On the second day, when Baili Yao received a letter from Xiaobai, he squinted his eyes and rubbed the excited Xiaobai's hair.

Xiaobai was cultivated by Yunying. When Yunying suddenly disappeared, Xiaobai was still sad for a long time.

For such a long time, Baili Yao has also let Xiaobai stay in the palace.

Unexpectedly, this time Xiaobai actually came, and he still brought something.

At first glance, Baili Yao knew that it was Xiaobai brought by Yunying, and no one would use Xiaobai except Yunying.

Baili Yao took off the tied note from Xiaobai's leg, spread it out, and it read: The Poisonous Wolf Sect will bring disaster to the capital soon, return quickly!If you still trust me, please entrust me to take care of the little prince for a few days.

Baili Yao squinted his eyes, seeing what Yunying said meant that he did not hand Ye Xiaoye over to Poisonous Wolf Sect Gu Xin'er, nor did he do anything to Ye Xiaoye, and even helped them.

In fact, Baili Yao is already in the capital. He just received the news that Ye Rumu woke up. He is waiting for Ye Rumu to arrive outside the capital. After receiving this news, Baili Yao still wants to be patient and wait for Ye Rumu to come. Rumu.

The news Yunying gave may not be true, after all, it is good to be betrayed once, how could there be a second time?
But just in case, this was a trap set by the Poisonous Wolf Cult, and Baili Yao ordered someone to investigate the news that night.

After doing this, after waiting for two days, Ye Rumu also arrived in the capital.

Baili Yao stood beside the horse, quietly watching the figure slowly walking towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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