Chapter 532 Premeditated 16
You have money that you can't spend in several lifetimes. Look, isn't this God's favor for you?Hahaha, all of this is thanks to our Chunyu family. If our Chunyu family hadn't given you so many years to live, how could you have achieved what you are today?Now it's all over, right? "

Chunyu Heiji laughed wildly, seeing Ye Wensheng's face turn pale, he felt very happy in his heart.

"Our Ye family has worked diligently to abide by our duty over the years. We never thought that we would end up in trouble in the end! Alas... this may be life. But, even if it is death! I will not guard my ancestors even if they die! It’s for you!” Ye Wensheng had a lot of backbone, no matter what Chunyu Heiji said, he didn’t move.

"Father! What the hell is it? Why don't you take it out? The lives of the Ye family are important! You can't ignore our family's comfort!" Ye Ruqing was shocked when she heard that Ye Wensheng would not take what this woman asked for. Hand it over, and stop it without thinking.

How is this going?Aren't these people here for Ye Rumu?Why did Marven Ye have to hand over something?Who can tell her what happened?
Ye Wensheng frowned, turned around and saw Ye Ruqing with a flustered face, guilt flashed across his face.

If he didn't hand it over, then Chunyu Heiji would definitely keep his word, but if he really handed it over, Chunyu Heiji might not necessarily keep his word!

After all, Chunyu Heiji's reputation outside is not good!

Notorious for not keeping promises!
In the past, if anyone provoked her, the consequence would be either that the family would be wiped out, or the person who provoked her would die badly. Therefore, in the Nanman Kingdom, most people would avoid her, and even the prince and princess would be polite to her.

"Hahaha, Ye Wensheng, did you hear that? Your daughter is smarter than you! What are you still thinking about? If you don't hand it over, you'll just wait to see your relatives die in front of you one by one! This time , there is no Baili Yao to help you!" Chunyu Heiji smiled arrogantly.

"Qing'er..." Ye Wensheng's face was full of guilt towards Ye Ruqing, but Ye Wensheng still shook his head with a complex expression, "Qing'er, I can't give it to her, this thing is protected by my ancestors, how can I give it to you?" An outsider, come to do something that is not good for the world? Qing'er, now, I can only feel sorry for you!"

The decision Ye Wensheng said, he was already prepared to die, so now he has no regrets except for the guilt towards the Ye family.

"Father...what the hell is it? Please tell me, please?" Ye Ruqing changed his mind, instead of asking Ye Wensheng to hand it over, he asked what it was.

Maybe Ye Ruqing can still find that thing!
Because as far as she knew, apart from the countless treasures and gold and silver, the Ye family had nothing to covet, so she thought that what Chunyu Heiji wanted might be one of the many treasures!
Ye Wensheng shook his head, "Qing'er, I can't blame my father for not telling you. This thing, if you know about it, is not good for you, it will bring disaster. I don't want you to know, because I don't want to cause trouble for you. Who knows, even if it is like this, We were still found by the enemies. It is father who is sorry for you!"

"The enemy? What enemy?" Ye Ruqing suddenly thought,

(End of this chapter)

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