Chapter 533 Premeditated 17
When Chunyu's family came last time, someone said that they were enemies of the Ye family, but the Ye family had never heard of any enemies!

How could there be an enemy, and it took so long for this enemy to find him?Why was there no movement before?
Therefore, Ye Ruqing didn't believe it!

"Father, are you lying to me? Does the Ye family have any enemies? Is it because of the third sister? Is this the enemy of the third sister? The third sister escaped, so they had to find us, so now, they want us to come Die for the third sister?" Ye Ruqing shook his head and stepped back, shouting in disbelief.

If she hadn't come out and heard these conversations, she didn't know that there was such a thing!
"What nonsense are you talking about! Mu'er's enemy, who died for Mu'er?" Ye Wensheng's face was covered with a thin layer of anger, Ye Ruqing is becoming more and more unruly now!
"Isn't it? Father doesn't need to look at me like this to favor the regent princess, and he doesn't need to be angry with me, hehehe, father, I thought you were just too busy, so you cared less about us. Now it seems that father You have given all your retreat and concern to the princess regent! When will you see me and care more about us? If you care more about me, even if you let me die today, I will not Will there be any complaints..." Ye Ruqing seemed to cut off all outside voices, talking to himself, completely ignoring what others said and did.

After speaking, he turned around and ran away.

Ye Wensheng looked at Ye Ruqing and sighed lightly. He never thought that the resentment in Ye Ruqing's heart was so deep!
Ye Wensheng believed that if he didn't have these resentments in his heart, he wouldn't have revealed all of them at the moment of life and death.

In fact, he didn't know this daughter well. He always thought that Ye Ruqing was very low-key and didn't like to talk much. Now it seems that he was wrong?It's not that she loves to talk, but she can bear it!
Ye Wensheng thought that he had already reached the highest position in the business world, and his children did not need to bear it at all, but he did not expect that Ye Ruqing had already held resentment in his heart.

"Ye Wensheng, your daughter's resentment is really deep! Is it the regent princess? Don't worry, I will deal with the regent princess after you are solved! Hahaha..." Chunyu Heiji laughed loudly, smeared The corners of the bright red lips are unusually coquettish.

Ye Wensheng's face really changed at this time, "The things are in the Ye family, what's the use of finding the regent princess!"

Ye Wensheng asked in a hasty tone.

Chunyu Heiji raised her eyebrows, and looked at Ye Wensheng, "Ye Wensheng, don't forget, I want more than just this one in your hand! What our Chunyu family wants are all the beads!"

"The ambition of your Chunyu family! Sigh... if you have the ability, you can take it!" Ye Wensheng knew that the people left by Ye Rumu had always been in the Ye family, but at this time, none of them showed up, so he had already accepted his fate in his heart Come down, if you die like this, you won't have many regrets.

"Go, catch him!" Chunyu Heiji turned sideways to get out of the way, and the dead man behind her immediately ran up.

At this time, the people from Yuexuan Pavilion rushed out one by one, and fought with the dead soldiers of Chunyu's family!
Ye Wensheng didn't wait for the expected pain. He opened his eyes and saw that it was the people from Yuexuan Pavilion who were helping.

(End of this chapter)

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