Chapter 567 Meeting 18
But after the sudden appearance of the Poisonous Wolf Cult last time, Baili Yu didn't dare to let Baili Yao leave.

How can the people under Bailiyu compare with those fierce people?
Baili Yao was not in a hurry, knowing that Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye lived in Yuexuan Pavilion, and they were safe now, so he was not worried except that he wanted to see them.

But he knew that no one knew where Ye Rumu was, and he couldn't help it even if he wanted to find them.

And at the moment, no one knows.

Gu Xin'er, the Saintess of the Poisonous Wolf Cult, has been in the capital for a month.

Gu Xin'er looked at Baili Yao from a distance when he was free, saying that he came to see Asheng, but how could Asheng's role be as great as that of Baili Yao?
What's more, I didn't see Ye Xiaoye either, maybe Ah Sheng got rid of Ye Xiaoye after he succeeded.When Baili Yao found out again, he was killed by Baili Yao.

What happened to Ah Sheng, Gu Xin'er didn't want to worry about it anymore, as long as Ah Sheng fulfilled her order, it didn't matter what happened now.

Seeing Baili Yao again, Baili Yao was still so superior, Gu Xin'er smiled, "You are still cruel here, but I like it."

It's a pity that Gu Xin'er didn't dare to go in front of Baili Yao and talk to Bai Liyao about this.

"I don't know, did you kill all your women, so you can see me?" Gu Xin'er sat on the teahouse, looking at Baili Yao who had just returned from the palace and was riding a tall horse.

"Hmm... maybe yes. I heard that there are many women in your backyard." Gu Xin'er smiled. Originally, she thought that the women in his backyard were not important, so she didn't care about them. She just wanted to get rid of them. Ye Rumu, now it seems that she was wrong, and she was wrong too much.

Since then, the women in Prince Regent Baili Yao's mansion died strangely, sometimes one a day, sometimes two a day.

After this incident broke out, Gu Xin'er intentionally poured dirty water on Ye Rumu's body, but she never expected that Ye Rumu was so important to Baili Yao's heart that Baili Yao would come out to help Ye Rumu himself. Rumu explained that Ye Rumu went to her mother's house and hasn't come back yet.

It was only then that everyone discovered that the princess regent was indeed not in the palace, so it was impossible for the princess to do this matter!

Some people also said that this is because a certain jealous lady in the backyard of the Prince Regent's Mansion didn't want to serve her husband anymore, so she wanted to kill all the other women!
And the princess regent just happened to be away, so she escaped the catastrophe!
Others said that the Prince Regent did it himself, because he had many wives, and the Princess Regent felt that she couldn't accept it, so she went back to her natal family. In order to please the Princess, the Prince Regent had to end all these concubines.

There are different opinions, and there are all kinds of versions.

Under pressure, Baili Yao had no choice but to focus on this matter and investigate.

Although he said that he had never touched these women in his backyard, and did not admit that they were his women, but the fathers and elder brothers of those women were all officials in the court, and they died suddenly, and Baili Yao had to give them an explanation .

This is also the reason why Baili Yao has never cared about the women in the harem, because he is afraid of trouble.

Although this person said that his methods were a bit cruel, Baili Yao still thanked that person from the bottom of his heart for helping him clean up his troubles.

What's more, those women are Bailiyu's eyeliner arranged by his side, so there is no need for sympathy.

(End of this chapter)

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