Chapter 568 Dismissal 1
Gu Xin'er kills one or two a day without any effort, and no one even finds out that she did it, or in other words, found out, and silently condoned Gu Xin'er's move.

This is also a rare opportunity for Baili Yao.

In the end, there were only a dozen or so women left in the Prince Regent's Mansion. These women lived in fear every day, and finally couldn't take it anymore, and begged Baili Yao to leave the Prince Regent's Mansion!

In the study of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Baili Yao was looking at the copywriting, and when he heard Yunfeng say that all the remaining ladies in the backyard had come, he raised his eyes, nodded without expression, and said, "Let them all come in." .”

"Yes! My lord." Yunfeng listened to the order and went out to invite all those women in.

"My lord... woo woo... blah blah..." As soon as a group of women came in, they knelt down in front of Baili Yao, weeping, and for a while, the whole study room was full of these women who were pretentious. cry.

Baili Yao frowned, looking at these women, he felt that all his good mood had gone away, and said coldly: "If you cry again, I will throw it out for this king!"

The women were taken aback by Baili Yao's words!
So one by one quickly stopped crying, no one dared to cry again, sobbing and looking at Baili Yao pitifully.

Wenren Qiubai is relatively lucky, under the clutches of Gu Xin'er, he has managed to survive till now.

Wenren Qiubai, as the wife of the women in the backyard of the Regent's Palace, has always been the head of the wife by default. At this moment, of course, she was the first to jump out, kneel down in front of Baili Yao, and said pitifully, "My lord... my lord, this piece You must take care of things! We are all your women, how can you watch our sisters being murdered one by one? No matter how you say...all of them are your women! My lord... woo woo woo, we Originally there were dozens of sisters, but now we are the only ones left, if that person kills us and turns to deal with you, lord, what should we do?"

"What's more... errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr+rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...This person killed your woman, he is provoking you! Your lord, you can't just sit and let it go!" Her face was very lovable, but Wenren Qiubai pretended to be pitiful, but she used the wrong place!

Baili Yao looked at Wenren Qiubai coldly, without any disturbance in his heart.

"When did this king admit that you are his women?"

Baili Yao's words stunned all the women... When did you admit it... When did you admit it... Does that mean that the prince did not regard them as his own women?
"My lord, my lord! What are you joking about? No one outside knows that we are your lord's wife? My lord, you must be joking, right?" yes!

How can you say it's not his woman?
Could it be that the person who came to kill the wife of the palace to provoke the prince is someone that the prince can't afford?So is the prince trying to get rid of them now?
It has to be said that a woman's imagination is rich, and after a while, Wenren Qiubai came up with countless possibilities!

"This king never jokes." Baili Yao's tone was cold and heartless.

Baili Yao like this made all the women panic.

Does the prince mean that he will not protect them?Don't care about their lives?

(End of this chapter)

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