Chapter 569 Dismissal 2
Also, if you can manage it, how can so many people die?

And the prince still looked indifferent, no matter how the wives' families made troubles, Baili Yao didn't seem to be impressed at all!

"My lord... Anyway... Anyway, I have been by your side for four years, no credit but hard work! You can't be so cruel to my concubine!" Wenren Qiubai cried miserably.

Before getting married, my mother said that as long as you cry to a man who is skilled, the man will definitely feel sympathy for this woman!

But Baili Yao is not an ordinary man, so he is naturally not interested in Wenren Qiubai's crying skills.

"If it's okay, you go out and don't interfere with my work." Baili Yao rubbed the corners of his eyes, annoyed by the crying of these women.

Who said that no one in the family can show a person's status?In Baili Yao's view, as long as there is one woman, it is enough, if there are too many, it is annoying!

When the other women saw Bai Liyao's favorite Wenren Qiubai, they couldn't say anything in front of Baili Yao, and there was nothing left but fear for this palace!

Who knows if they will die tomorrow!

So, one of the concubines stood up tremblingly and begged: "My lord, my lord... I, my concubine, I want to go back to my mother's house for a few days, please give me your permission!"

With one person taking the lead, the others naturally stood up, and each of them begged to go back to their natal family.

At the back, only Wenren Qiubai remained silent.

Leave the palace and escape unharmed!
But abandoning the prince and leaving at a time of crisis, will this make the prince hate her?

But in the end it still couldn't stand the threat to his life, Wenren Qiubai gritted his teeth, and also begged to go back to his mother's house.

This time, Baili Yao finally put down the copywriting in his hands, glanced at the woman kneeling on the ground, and nodded, "Okay, you can pack up now and go home."

Baili Yao was talking about going home, not going back to her mother's house.

It shows that these women were never regarded as people from the Prince Regent's House, but as if they would leave at any time.

But at this moment, it was already the time when the spirit was about to collapse, so the concubines didn't hear it, but anxiously wanted to leave one by one.

However, before Baili Yao finished speaking, he added: "You can leave if you want, but after you leave the Prince Regent's Mansion, you will have nothing to do with the Prince Regent's Mansion in the future. If you go out, don't say that you belong to the Prince Regent's Mansion. people."

Baili Yao's words changed the faces of the women who were scrambling to leave, they all stopped and did not move.

"Wang... my lord... what are you talking about? We are only going back to our mother's house temporarily, and we will come back... How can we not be from the regent's mansion? My lord, you must be joking with us, right?" Wenren Qiubai was the first to speak out, expressing the feelings of the others.

The others also looked at Baili Yao expectantly, hoping that what Baili Yao said just now was just joking.

"I'll say it again, this king never jokes. It's okay for you to leave the palace, but in the future, you have nothing to do with the regent's palace. This is what this king said. You know what to do." Baili After Yao finished speaking, he ignored the group of stunned women and looked at the copywriting in front of him again.

What else would the women want to say,
(End of this chapter)

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