Chapter 590 Mysterious Couple 1
Ye Rumu nodded, "Probably so."

Xianbai Mountain is not anyone's territory, it's just that Yuexuan Pavilion was built here.

Ye Rumu is also very curious about the owner who built the attic here.

After all, Xianbai Mountain is a barren mountain to outsiders, and no one will come to Xianbai Mountain for no reason.

"My lord, do you want to go and have a look?" Qing Xin was also very curious about the person who built a loft here and lived here.

For so many years, besides Yuexuan Pavilion, who else would choose such a place to live?
But... Now that I have seen this attic one after another, and Yunying has also lived here. Could it be that people nowadays like to live in this kind of barren mountains?
And the Yuexuan Pavilion is protected by the array trap arranged by Ye Rumu, so how can this person be sure that he will not be harassed by wild beasts in the mountain?

Ye Rumu is not a nosy person, he just looked at the attic twice more, then shook his head, "No, no matter who this person is, he can be regarded as our neighbor from now on."

Saying that, Ye Rumu thought it was a little funny to find neighbors in the barren mountains... In fact, that's not bad?

"Yes!" Qingxin saw that Ye Rumu was unwilling, so she didn't say any more.

"Let's go, let's take a look, we should go back." Counting the time, Anxue should have brought Ye Xiaoye back, and it was almost time to go back.

"it is good."

But after the two turned around, they were taken aback by the person who suddenly appeared behind them!
Ye Rumu took two steps back reflexively, his heart speeded up suddenly, all because of being frightened!

Fortunately, Qingxin was also a person who had seen strong winds and waves, so she was not easily frightened and screamed out, but it was true that she was not lightly frightened.

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. The blue and black clothes first caught Ye Rumu's eyes. The size of the clothes fit the man in front of him, as if he was born to wear such clothes.

The man's black hair was tied up with a hair crown, his sword eyebrows were sharp, and he stared at Ye Rumu and Qing Xin with eagle eyes, as if he didn't welcome Ye Rumu and Qing Xin who broke into his territory.

The man's lips were slightly pursed, and it could be seen that he was very unhappy.

In short, this man is very good, not that kind of gentle handsome, but fierce handsome.

The man was also looking at Ye Rumu, and when he saw Ye Rumu in purple, his eyes were calm and calm, unlike other men who saw her with surprise in their eyes.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. Just from this, it can be seen that either this man loves his woman very much and doesn't care about other women, or the man is cold and doesn't care about women.

However, soon, Ye Rumu knew that this man was the first one he thought of.


At this time, another woman broke into everyone's eyes.

The woman looked at her husband-in-law and the two women who appeared suddenly, not knowing the situation, but she took two steps back vigilantly, looking at Ye Rumu and Ye Rumu, fear flashed in her eyes.

This made Ye Rumu raise his head with question marks, unable to understand the situation.

The man strode forward with great distress, hugged the woman into his arms, and comforted him softly: "Yan'er, don't be afraid."

Sheng Yan shrank back into the man's arms, her face turned pale, and she caressed her stomach inadvertently.

Looking at this appearance, Ye Rumu probably guessed something.

(End of this chapter)

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