Chapter 591 Mysterious Couple 2
Maybe it was because of something happened to the couple that they escaped to live in Xianbai Mountain.

Seeing this, the man first comforted his wife, "Yan'er, don't be afraid, it's not them! If they were going to send someone to arrest us, they wouldn't just send two women. They won't be able to find it in such a secret in a short time! Yan'er, believe me! You have to believe me, don't be afraid, for our must not get emotional!"

"My husband... I'm not excited, I'm not excited..." Sheng Yan looked at Ye Rumu and Qing Xin, and they didn't look like the people sent by those people, so she forgot to be afraid for the time being.

Seeing that his wife had calmed down, the man took a deep breath, arched his fist at Ye Rumu, frowned and said: "My son, Gongsun Nanxian, and his wife Sheng Yan temporarily stayed in the house because of some things. Here, I don’t know who the two of you are...? Why are you here?”

Gongsun Nanxian first reported his name, and then asked Ye Rumu's identity.

"My name is Ye Rumu. As for why I'm here... Didn't you find the house not far away when you came here?" The house where Zhang's mother lived was so big that Ye Rumu couldn't Believe he didn't see it.

"This..." Gongsun Nanxian and Sheng Yan looked at each other, "I saw it, but I don't know why, the two of us couldn't go in. Miss Ye mentioned this today, does it mean that the house belongs to Ye Yours, girl?"

Gongsun Nanxian always felt that there was something wrong with that house, so he purposely lived far away from it.

But he is not stupid, and he vaguely knows that it is not that he really can't walk in, but that someone has set up a formation. After knowing it, he has never been there again. Now he has lived here for several months and has been All is well.

But I didn't expect... this person would mention the house.

"Exactly." Ye Rumu nodded.

Now that she has not turned into Yue Xuan's costume, she naturally cannot say that she is Yue Xuan, so it is better to report her true identity.

Gongsun Nanxian frowned, "I don't know, this is your territory, girl, please rest assured, our husband and wife will move out as soon as possible!"

Gongsun Nanxian and Sheng Yan had just arrived here, and they didn't know everything about this place. They only decided to live here when they saw that there was no one living here. They didn't meet anyone else, so they thought it was an empty house.But I didn't expect that there were actually people living there.

Ye Rumu shook his head and smiled: "No need, you can live here if you want. I'm not here often, so you don't have to worry. Besides, I know you two must have some difficulties, so I will Just pretend that you have never seen you before. What's more, your wife has a child in her belly, right? Leaving like this will be harmful to their mother and daughter."

Gongsun Nanxian thought for a while, and it is true that Sheng Yan is pregnant with her child, and she doesn't know where to go when she leaves. This attic was built by them bit by bit. Although it is not big, it is enough to live in, so just leave like this. I really don't know what to do.

Seeing that their hearts were moved, Ye Rumu took out a porcelain vase from his pocket, "Although I don't live here very much, we are neighbors anyway. We have nothing to give you when we meet for the first time. I think you are because of Running around, your wife's complexion is not very good.

(End of this chapter)

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