Chapter 592 Mysterious Couple 3
If it is like this next time, there will definitely be danger.And this place is thousands of miles away from the place where there are people, and the far water cannot save the near fire. At that time, your wife will be in danger.This in my hand is a pill for regulating qi and nourishing the body. If you can trust me, take it. "

Qingxin took what Ye Rumu was holding, brought it in front of Gongsun Nanxian, and handed it to Gongsun Nanxian.

Gongsun Nanxian hesitated for a moment, and exchanged a glance with Sheng Yan.

Sheng Yan bit her lip, reached out to take it, and said with a smile: "Miss Ye is right, I feel a little unwell today. Miss Ye doesn't know us well, so there's no need to hurt me! Miss Ye is so enamored For each other, we should also trust Miss Ye!"

Sheng Yan looked at Ye Rumu gently, "Miss Ye, to tell you the truth, our husband and wife fled here because of an emergency, and we stayed here privately. If anything offends you, please forgive me." Atonement!"

Ye Rumu smiled indifferently: "You don't have to be polite, feel free to stay here. You may be curious, why should I help you?"

Seeing the expressions of Sheng Yan and Gongsun Nanxian, Ye Rumu guessed it.

Sheng Yan didn't twitch and say something wrong with sincerity, but nodded very sincerely, "Yes, logically speaking, we are strangers to Ms. Ye, and Ms. Ye really doesn't need to help us. If it were someone else, even if we occupied her territory, maybe they would drive us away, let alone..." Sheng Yan looked at the exquisite jade bottle in her hand, and smiled softly: "It will not be because I have children. But take pity on me and give me medicine to replenish my body.

"Because I'm also a mother." Ye Rumu suddenly laughed, "When I see you, I always think of myself back then. If I didn't help you and caused you to lose this child, I'm afraid you would be overwhelmed with pain. The face will also feel sorry."

"Why do you always say that we will lose this child! My wife is in good health and will definitely give birth to this child!" Gongsun Nanxian is also a wife-protecting madman, although Ye Rumu helped them, yes, But I can't tolerate Ye Rumu talking like this!

Ye Rumu raised her eyebrows. Indeed, it was she herself who lost her words when she saw Sheng Yan's belly, and she said a few more words with emotion.

Although what I say is the truth, it doesn't mean that others can hear the truth.

After following the poison doctor for so many years, although Ye Rumu didn't become a doctor, he didn't know anything about it.

Ye Rumu didn't speak, Sheng Yan quit immediately, glared at Gongsun Nanxian angrily, and said angrily: "What are you talking about! Apologize to Miss Ye!"

"My lady, but she said we would lose this child!" Gongsun Nanxian was dissatisfied with this, looking at the jade bottle in Sheng Yan's hand, he had the urge to snatch it and throw it away!

He wanted to prove that even without Ye Rumu's medicine, Sheng Yan could safely give birth to this child!
Noticing Gongsun Nanxian's gaze, Sheng Yan's face changed slightly, she tightly protected the bottle, and told the truth to Gongsun Nanxian in an apologetic tone: "I'm sorry, Mr....Actually, I...I've been keeping it from you... "

"What are you hiding from me?" Gongsun Nanxian had a bad feeling in his heart, and asked Sheng Yan nervously.

"I... because we often run around overnight, and the child has not yet reached three months... I have been here for a few days,

(End of this chapter)

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