Chapter 593 Mysterious Couple 4
For the past few days, I've been feeling pain in my stomach, I, I was worried that you I didn't tell you about it...Sister, don't blame me for hiding it from you..." Sheng Yan said cautiously , stroking his stomach again.

"Ah..." Gongsun Nanxian sighed heavily, and helplessly touched Sheng Yan's head, with tears in his eyes: "Silly... why didn't you tell me?"


Ye Rumu is not interested in watching other couples love each other. She helped Shengyan only because she didn't want that innocent child to die before it was born.

Seeing that they didn't have the time to pay attention to him, Ye Rumu shook his head, pulled Qingxin's clothes, and pointed to where the other courtyard was.

Qingxin understood immediately and followed Ye Rumu to leave.

After walking a certain distance, Qingxin asked: "My lord, who do you think those two people will be?"

"I don't know, but I don't think they're from Dongxing." Ye Rumu shook her head lightly. It didn't really matter to her who they were.

"Not from Dongxing country? Which country would it be from? Why did you come here? It's really strange, and the Lord didn't say anything wrong, that man's attitude is so bad!" Qingxin was dissatisfied for Ye Rumu, She obviously helped her wife, but she hurled insults at Ye Rumu like this!

"Okay, he is just too nervous about Sheng Yan, right? Although Sheng Yan is suffering now, she is living a very happy life, silly girl, when you meet someone you like in the future, you will know." Ye Rumu smiled lightly. In fact, she didn't take Gongsun Nanxian's attitude to heart. Now she always felt that her mood was much calmer.

Qing Xin curled her lips, she doesn't understand now, after all, she doesn't have anyone she likes.

"Miss Ye, wait!"

From behind, came Gongsun Nanxian's voice.

Ye Rumu frowned, stopped, turned around, and waited for Gongsun Nanxian to come up.

"Anything else?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows in doubt.

Gongsun Nanxian cupped his hands at Ye Rumu, and apologized: "It was my fault just now, I almost killed my child! Thanks to Miss Ye who rescued me... I don't think Miss Ye is an ordinary person. If there is a need... ...Please also ask Miss Ye to find me at any time, I will definitely repay this kindness!"

Hearing Gongsun Nanxian's words, Ye Rumu knew that this man owed nothing to others.

However, Ye Rumu didn't think about asking for anything in return for helping them.

Shaking his head, he refused: "Meeting is fate. Since I have fate with Shengyan and her child, I will definitely help out. I don't care about what I owe or not. And those things are nothing. There is no need for you to thank me for something unusual. I still have something to do, so I’m leaving.” Ye Rumu nodded, and Qingxin turned and left.

From Gongsun Nanxian's point of view, Ye Rumu Xu was a little angry.

But thinking of Ye Rumu's saying that she would not stay here often and was leaving today, she didn't think much about it.

Gongsun Nanxian returned to Sheng Yan's side, frowned and said puzzledly: "Lady, that Ye Rumu must not be an ordinary person! This is the most desolate and uninhabited Xianbai Mountain in Dongxing Kingdom, where there are many wild beasts. There will definitely be no one." They purposely built a house here and lived here."

Sheng Yan only felt that Gongsun Nanxian was making a fuss, and his almond eyes stared slightly,

(End of this chapter)

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