Chapter 594 Mysterious Couple 5
"Didn't we purposely build a house here to live here?"

Gongsun Nanxian shook his head, "Miss, this is not the same thing! We... have difficulties."

Hearing what Gongsun Nanxian said, Sheng Yan's beautiful face also revealed a dejected expression.

"Miss, let's stop talking about this, and talk about the don't feel well, why didn't you tell me?" Gongsun Nanxian was shocked and afraid. If he didn't meet Ye Rumu, would it be them? The child is not saved?
"I'm afraid that you will be distracted and unwilling to run again. If you are distracted and unwilling to run away to take care of the child, then not only will our lives be in danger, but the child will definitely not live until now! We escaped Yes, the child still has hope of living!" Sheng Yan hesitated for a while, and spoke his mind.

At this point, Gongsun Nanxian no longer blames Sheng Yan for anything. After all, he finally got to where he is today, and let the past pass by.

However, he was still full of fear: "If you feel uncomfortable again in the future, you must tell me in time! It's windy outside, let's go back."

Sheng Yan and Gongsun Nanxian left, behind a bush, Ye Rumu and Qing Xin stood there, watching them leave.

"My lord, why did you come back to take a look?" Qingxin was puzzled, why did you come back to take a look at these two people again, is there something wrong?
"Huh? I'm just idle and bored. I just came back to eavesdrop. Can I eavesdrop on the identities of these two people!" Ye Rumu shrugged his shoulders, but it turned out to be disappointing that he didn't hear anything.

Seeing Ye Rumu's rather regretful look, Qingxin's lips twitched, expressing her speechlessness.

"My lord, can I go back now? The little master should be back." Qing Xin took a look, she had been out for half an hour, and it was time to go back.

"Well, let's go." Ye Rumu nodded, turned and left.

Back in the other courtyard, just as I stepped in, I was slammed into it by an unknown object!
Ye Rumu gasped, and looked at the little thing in his arms resentfully: "Are you going to murder your mother?"

Ye Xiaoye hugged Ye Rumu's waist happily, and shook her head: "Of course I can't bear it."

"Hey, you!" Ye Rumu rubbed Ye Xiaoye's head.

Ye Xiaoye raised his head, blinked his eyes, looked at Ye Rumu and asked, "Mother, I thought you left without waiting for me."

"If I didn't wait for you, I would have left yesterday." Ye Rumu reached out and scratched the tip of Ye Xiaoye's nose.

At this time, Zhang Ma came out and greeted: "My lord, I have prepared the dry food you want!"

After speaking, he remembered something, and asked worriedly: "My lord, didn't you say that you just need to go out for a walk? Why did it take so long?"

Mama Zhang almost thought that something happened to them outside.

"I met a couple outside, and it was delayed for some time." Ye Rumu took the tea handed over by Zhang Ma, took a sip, and said, "Zhang Ma, that couple is going to live here for the time being. If you have nothing to do, just help out if you can."

Zhang Ma was surprised, did Ye Rumu hit it off with that couple so much?To actually take care of the couple before leaving?
However, he is a newcomer after all, so it's okay to help.

(End of this chapter)

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