Chapter 598 Mysterious Couple 9
Although this place is at the foot of the mountain, wild beasts still like to go down the mountain to look for food. After all, there are thousands of miles of deserted people here, and it is the same for wild beasts wherever they go.

"I...Of course I agree, but I'm sorry to bother Miss Ye anymore, Miss Ye has already helped us so much." Sheng Yan said in a embarrassed way.

Before Ye Rumu could speak, Ye Xiaoye said directly: "No trouble, no trouble! Auntie, you can ask my mother to help you. My mother doesn't have much else, so I don't have much time. Auntie, come here. I'll tell you something."

Ye Xiaoye waved to Sheng Yan.

Sheng Yan didn't know what Ye Xiaoye wanted to say to her, but she still bowed her head obediently.

"Auntie, my mother is not always kind and helpful to others, you should seize the opportunity!" Ye Xiaoye said mysteriously.

"Pfft..." Sheng Yan couldn't help laughing out loud, not because Ye Rumu wouldn't be kind at any time, but because of Ye Xiaoye's mysterious appearance.

"What are you talking about me again? Huh?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Ye Xiaoye blinked, took two weak steps back, and said with a chuckle: ", I'm praising you for your strength..."

"Oh? Really?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't believe Ye Xiaoye's nonsense.

Two women and one child, they completely ignored Gongsun Nanxian, a big man.

Gongsun Nanxian felt very embarrassed standing there, but for so long, no one had been able to talk to her wife, and her temperament was not so lively. Seeing Sheng Yan's happy look, Gongsun Nanxian naturally felt console.

Seeing that they stopped chatting for a while, Gongsun Nanxian said: "Miss Ye, you don't know how to repay us for helping us so much. Why don't you stay for a meal at noon today, and take it as our repayment!"

Sheng Yan also looked at Ye Rumu expectantly.

Ye Rumu lowered his head, and when he saw Ye Xiaoye, he winked at her and asked her to agree.

Ye Rumu pulled his lips, and finally nodded, "Okay."

"That's really great!" Sheng Yan was overjoyed, Ye Rumu helped them so much, now there is always a chance to repay her!Why does this make her unhappy?
Ye Rumu smiled, seeing that there was nothing left and right now, he said: "It's still early at noon, you come out, and I will teach you this formation. If I am not here, and the formation is destroyed again, you will be killed." It can be arranged voluntarily."

Although the possibility of the formation being destroyed is almost zero, Ye Rumu still wants to teach them the formation.

After leaving the house, Ye Rumu walked around the house first.

Gongsun Nanxian was very smart. He built his house in a canyon, which was not only hidden, but also leaned against the stone wall on the back and the other side, which reduced a lot of danger.

What Ye Rumu has to do is to protect the other side and the front.

During the period, Ye Rumu explained to them while doing his hands, and by the way, he also grabbed Ye Xiaoye and asked Ye Xiaoye to learn together.

These formations were all taught by Ye Rumu's organization when he was an agent in modern times. It can be said that this world has never seen it before.

After Ye Rumu finished the arrangement and explained, Gongsun Nanxian was left in shock.

Who created this formation?
(End of this chapter)

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