Chapter 599 Mysterious Couple 10
It is not easy to say simple, and it is not difficult to say difficult. In short, it all depends on understanding!
However, it is impossible for Gongsun Nanxian to ask Ye Rumu directly, who founded this, he just asked suspiciously: "Miss Ye, such a precious formation is generally not passed on, why did you teach us? "

Although Sheng Yan didn't understand these things very well, she also knew that what Ye Rumu taught just now was a very powerful formation, and she also had this doubt in her heart.

If you want to help them, you just need to make arrangements for them, why teach them?

There is a saying that says, "The disciples of the church starve to death the master", besides, they are not her disciples yet.

Ye Rumu shrugged, and said indifferently: "The left is just a formation, I believe you will not use it to do bad things, this is enough! However, I still advise you not to spread this formation. Hmm... If you are willing, it would be good to pass it down from generation to generation. As for why I taught you..." Ye Rumu smiled mysteriously, "It's up to you to guess."

Sheng Yan laughed, isn't it the same as saying or not?

Sheng Yan and Gongsun Nanxian looked at each other, and didn't ask any more questions.

After doing this, it's almost noon.

Gongsun Nanxian went to prepare lunch, Sheng Yan and Ye Rumu sat outside the house, Qingxin stood aside and looked at Ye Xiaoye who was bouncing around.

Sheng Yan chatted with Ye Rumu, thinking of why Ye Rumu and the others chose to live here, she became curious for a moment, and asked: "Miss Ye, why do you live here? Since you have a child, why don't you live here?" You must have a husband, why didn't your husband come with you?"

Ye Rumu smiled lightly, basking in the sun with squinted eyes, "Why did you stay here... At that time, you liked the cleanliness of this place, right?"

"As for the child's father, he didn't come because he was too busy."

"Is that so?" Sheng Yan laughed helplessly: "My husband and I hid here because there are very few people here, and few people would find this place. I didn't expect Miss Ye to like the cleanliness of this place."

Ye Rumu smiled and didn't explain.

How could a place like Yuexuan Pavilion be built where people would discover it?
Not to mention the Yuexuan Pavilion, even other forces will be established in the deep mountains, but they are all well-known, so there is no mystery at all.

And Yuexuan Pavilion, from its appearance to now, has always been a mysterious existence in the eyes of outsiders.

"After staying here for a long time, you will find that this is a very good place, and you will fall in love with it." Ye Rumu said with certainty.

"Maybe." Sheng Yan felt that, except for the occasional feeling of loneliness, this place is really good.

"I will leave here tomorrow and go back. If you need help at that time, you can still go to my other courtyard to find my people to help you." I originally planned to leave yesterday, but it was delayed for two days.

"Is that so? It's a pity..." Sheng Yan was very reluctant, but knowing that everyone has their own way to go, she didn't say anything more.

Ye Rumu nodded and said nothing else. .

After having lunch at the home of Sheng Yan and Gongsun Nanxian, Ye Rumu said goodbye to them, and left with Ye Xiaoye and Qing Xin.

After Ye Rumu and the others left, Gongsun Nanxian appeared behind Sheng Yan, "My lady, the more I look at her, the more I feel that she is not simple."

(End of this chapter)

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