Chapter 726 Who Framed Who 1
Ye Rumu shook his head, "I didn't do anything for the common people, you are still a saint, you are admirable! You are simply a hero among women!"

These words, Gu Xin'er has heard countless people flattering her, and she was impatient to hear it, but it was said from the mouth of Yuexuan Pavilion Master, Gu Xin'er still felt very useful of!
"Pavilion Master Yuexuan..." Gu Xin'er covered her mouth and smiled embarrassedly.

When Situ Chuxi came back with Ling'er, he saw Gu Xin'er and Ye Rumu having a happy conversation, and immediately frowned!

"Miss, this woman is really..." Ling'er saw that Gu Xin'er clearly said that she likes the prince, but she chatted so happily with another man, she felt that Baili Yao was not worth it from the bottom of her heart.

Ling'er didn't know how far Baili Yao and this Gu Xin'er had developed.

As a prince, it is normal for Baili Yao to hook up with each other!It's just not worth it for my own lady!

My lady has a noble status, even some royal princesses can't compare, so why should I share the same woman with many women?
Ling'er felt that after the young lady officially became the prince's decent concubine, the young lady must drive away all these women who are in the way!

"Hmph, let her jump! Let Yao see her, and he will naturally hate her. Why are we looking for it? Yao won't like such a watery, flamboyant woman!"

Situ Chuxi's tone was full of contempt!
Anyway, Yao would not fall in love with that kind of woman!
"Linger, let's go."

Situ Chuxi, who originally wanted to see Yue Xuan go up to have a chat and deepen his relationship, saw Yue Xuan being entangled by Gu Xin'er, and left directly!
It's not that Gu Xin'er didn't notice Situ Chuxi, but she just completely ignored Situ Chuxi and acted as if she didn't see it!

Ye Rumu shook his head in his heart, these two powerful women met, it will be fun in the future!
The next day, Gu Xin'er wanted to prove that although she came here, she could not completely solve the problems of the people and let them live a healthy life.But it can also relieve their pain. I wrote a prescription immediately, and went to grab the medicine, decoct it, and serve it to the people.

The people rushed to drink it after hearing that it was a medicine that could relieve their pain.

And the people who didn't suffer from the plague also begged Gu Xin'er to give them a bowl after hearing that the medicine could strengthen their health!
Gu Xin'er showed a gentle smile to the people, and immediately went to fry a lot of medicine.

Give one by one to the people to drink.

After learning about Gu Xin'er's move to win people's hearts, Situ Chuxi was a little flustered at first, but after realizing that this was also a way to deal with Gu Xiner, Situ Chuxi immediately stopped worrying!
"Miss, that Gu Xin'er is really good at jumping! It's just why are you not worried at all, miss?"

Ling'er pushed the door in with the washing things in her hands, put them in front of Situ Chuxi, and asked suspiciously.

Woke up early this morning and heard what Gu Xin'er was doing, Ling'er felt a little strange.

Situ Chuxi raised his eyebrows lightly, but Ling'er wrung out the clean towel and asked, "What am I worried about?"

"Miss, this Gu Xin'er obviously wants to win people's hearts, why are you not worried that the common people are all towards Gu Xin'er?" Ling'er asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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