Chapter 727 Who Framed Who 2
Situ Chuxi paused as he rubbed his face, took off the towel, handed it to Linger, and asked, "What does the common people have to do with Gu Xiner? Linger, the purpose of our coming here is to keep an eye on Yao, and It’s not to please the common people.”

This way of pleasing the common people is the most stupid way in Situ Chuxi's opinion!
The people will be very grateful to you when you help them, but if you can't help them, they will feel that it is your duty to help them!If you don't help, it's your fault!
"But miss, if you want to be the regent princess, with your current status, you must have a good name!" Ling'er said worriedly.

If it becomes like this, that Ye Rumu will definitely not be able to be the regent princess, and the position of the regent princess will be vacant. Li Yu will definitely hand over the position of Princess Regent!
Situ Chuxi narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "No need! Then Ye Rumu doesn't have any status, status, or reputation at all, even if her reputation is not good, isn't she still the princess regent? I'm so much better than her How could you not be qualified to be the princess regent!"

Ling'er really wanted to persuade her arrogant young lady that the royal family's relationship was complicated and not as casual as it used to be when they were in the family!

But after seeing Situ Chuxi's face, Ling'er decided not to speak!
"Miss is naturally qualified, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's only because you have something close to you that others will respect you more, miss!"

"Hehe. Ling'er, don't forget that although I broke with the Situ family, I still have the blood of the Situ family on my body. I will always be a member of the Situ family. Li Yu will also ask Yao to carry me in an 18-person sedan chair! I used to disdain to use my family status, but I was too stupid to wait for Yao to say marry me! Unfortunately, I haven't waited for so long. On the contrary, Ye Rumu let that woman sneak in! If she had revealed her identity at that time, I'm afraid she wouldn't have attracted someone like Gu Xin'er!"

Situ Chuxi still regretted it immensely!
Feelings can be cultivated slowly!It's all right now, I'll save my face and suffer!

"What the lady said is very reasonable, and the master... I don't know if I have contacted you in these years. We lived on the mountain for a year, but we don't know anything except the news of the prince!"

Ling'er said with emotion.

"Haha? Apart from knowing Yao's affairs, you don't know anything else? Huh! Yunlei dared to hide it from me for so long! No wonder he was very wrong for a while. Every time he asked about Yao's affairs, he became very uncomfortable. Free, hesitating! At that time, I thought it was because Yunlei liked me, but I was asking about other men in Yunlei. Yunlei was unhappy and sad. You like me so much! Men are all liars!"

It is precisely because I have always known that Yunlei likes her and has always enjoyed Yunlei's kindness to her, and when Yunlei suddenly left them for a long time one day, Situ Chuxi was [-]% sure that Yunlei would definitely love her. will go back!

But it turns out that Yunlei has gone to the Prince Regent's Mansion!So Situ Chuxi guessed that he exploded in no time!

(End of this chapter)

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