Chapter 754 Agreeing to Help 1
"Good." Ye Rumu said with a smile, rubbing Ye Xiaoye's head.

"Mother, I'm going to play first, you must have a good rest!" Ye Xiaoye said very reluctantly.

Although I really don't want to leave, but I think my mother must be very tired, so it's better not to disturb my mother!
After Ye Xiaoye went out, Ye Rumu called Qingxue and Qingxin over.

"Qingxue, Qingxin, Jun Moli wants to wipe out the Poisonous Wolf Sect again."

"What?" Qingxue exclaimed, then realized that she was a little too excited, shook her head, and said, "My lord, what is this Jun Moli thinking? It seems to have disappeared, what else is there to fight? Besides, can the Poisonous Wolf Cult really be wiped out? What happened six years ago is still vivid in my mind! I thought it was wiped out at the beginning, who would have imagined it? It has been several years since the Poisonous Wolf Cult came out to take revenge one after another!"

I don't even know how many people the Poisonous Wolf Sect has gathered!

"That's right... What Qingxue said makes sense...Master, do you know the reason?" Qingxin thought for a while, but still couldn't understand why Jun Moli was so persistent!

Ye Rumu shook his head, and said helplessly: "I don't want to know the reason, and I don't want to do any more useless things! But this Jun Moli just doesn't want to let me go! Forget it, who told me that I really have something to do?" It's in Jun Moli's hands! I didn't want to participate in these things at first, but now it seems that it's impossible!"

"What does the Lord's words... mean?" Qing Xin frowned and asked.

I don't really understand what the master said about handle and participation...

Could it be that Yuexuan Pavilion has to participate in this matter?
"It means that Jun Moli knows my true identity, and is threatening me with this matter! Let me do all I can in Yuexuan Pavilion to help him, so that he will hide it!"

"This...this is too shameless!"

"This Jun Moli used to think that he was a nice person, why is he so shameless! Whatever he wants to do, just do it, and he wants to drag others into the water!"

Qingxin and Qingxue complained one by one.

"Then what is the master... planning to do?" Qing Xin asked.

"Does it need to be said? It must be sent to help Jun Moli! The identity of the master must not be revealed! Otherwise, the master will be in danger! Now all the people in Dongxing are looking for the master!" Qing Qing Xue felt that the identity of the master should not be exposed.

"But... this is the first time, this Jun Moli will definitely threaten us with this matter every time in the future! I think... why not pretend to be the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion, and just lie to him like this first?" Qingxin suggested.

"Qingxin! You are so smart! Your method is good! But, who are you looking for to pretend to be the master?" Qingxue was worried again.

Originally, it was very difficult to find a person whose body and height was similar to that of the master, let alone find it in such a short time!
"That's right... We have all appeared at the Regent's Mansion before, if we come, we will definitely be recognized, and the young lady will still be involved..." Qingxin was also worried!
"No! There is one more person!"


"Cleaning up the demon! Let the clearing up the demon, it will definitely work! Lord, we must not let Jun Moli use it for free!"

Qingxue resolutely does not want to listen to Jun Moli, but if Ye Rumu is willing,
(End of this chapter)

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