Chapter 755 Agreeing to Help 2
Qingxue also has no objection!
"Yes! Demon clearing! My lord, what do you think?"

Ye Rumu shook his head amusedly, and said: "Don't even think about it, I'm afraid Qingyao won't be able to handle such a thing, and it will cause Qingyao to suffer in vain! If the common people become angry with embarrassment, they would rather kill them by mistake." Don't let it go, what should I do if Qing Yao vents? You guys, better stop making such crooked ideas!"

"Then the lord...what do you want to do?" Qingxue asked, frowning in confusion.

"Bring thirty people and join in the fun at Shendaomen!" Ye Rumu said in a calm voice, as if he didn't take it to heart.

Qingxue pursed her lips and said, "My lord, the Shendaomen wants us to help him in the entire Yuexuan Pavilion. If he sees that only thirty people have gone, will he become angry and not keep his promise?" , cross the river and tear down the bridge!"

Ye Rumu sneered, and said coldly: "We only have a few people in Yuexuan Pavilion, and we have spent more than half of it. If he is still not satisfied, there is nothing I can do!"

"Oh... I really don't know, how did this Jun Moli know your true identity, Lord?" Qingxin sighed, now, don't you have to worry about it?
If the plague hadn't happened, then after the Lord's true identity was exposed, no one would dislike the Lord's low status!

Instead, he will curry favor with the Lord!

And now if this matter gets out, instead of flattering the lord, others will hunt down and insult the lord!

"That's okay, I can bring back as many people as I take out! Don't worry!" Ye Rumu was full of confidence.

"Since the Lord is so sure! I'm relieved!" Qingxin has always believed in Ye Rumu's decision, as long as it is Ye Rumu's decision, in her opinion, there will be nothing wrong!

"Master, can the two of us go with you this time?" Qingxue glanced at Qingxin beside her and asked.

Ye Rumu shook his head and said: "This time, you two should not participate, help me watch Xiaoye, although it is safe here, but I am not here, I am still afraid of any accidents. Leave Xiaoye to you two Only then can I rest assured!"

Although Qingxue and Qingxin were a bit depressed and couldn't go with the master, they thought, yes, there is still the little master here, if they all leave, who will take care of the little master?

"My lord, don't worry! The two of us will definitely look after our little master!" Qing Xin said.

Qingxue also nodded.

Ye Rumu smiled, and was very reassuring to them all the time, "Okay, I trust you!"

"By the way, my lord, Qing Jue sent a message, saying that we are already on our way back. If the lord will not take us, we must take Qing Jue with us! Qing Jue is a master of martial arts, and with him around, the two of us are more at ease. !" Qingxue said hastily when she thought about Qingjue's coming back.

Ye Rumu nodded and said, "Okay, I see!"

"My lord, you should have a good rest first, we'll prepare food for you first!" Qingxue looked at Ye Rumu with distressed eyes, she didn't know how long the lord had been running around!

Ye Rumu nodded and smiled, "Okay. By the way, you have to work hard to gather people back for me! Thirty people are fine, and those who have a mission don't need to come back!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After Qingxin Qingxue went out, Ye Rumu also felt a little sleepy.

(End of this chapter)

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