Chapter 756 Agreeing to Help 3

Feng Xi and Conan Shuang did not leave Qiangzhou, but found a place with few people to live in.

A lot of people died here, so there are not too many empty houses, which also allowed Feng Xi and Conan to find a place to settle down very smoothly.

After settling down, Feng Xi and Conan naturally wouldn't just sit around like this. Feng Xi has always wanted to find Bai Liyao and use her strength to support Bai Liyao and the like.

Feng Xi discussed with Conan, "Shuang'er, I don't think there is a way for us to go on like this! Why don't we look for it, where is the prince? I can tell the prince, I have medicinal materials in my hand!"

Feng Xi's whole face wrinkled in confusion, she was still a step behind!Did not see anyone!
Conan Shuang is also Baili Yao's niece, so I don't know much about Baili Yao, but I still have a general understanding!It's still based on the fact that she has liked Baili Yao since she was a child.

"Xi'er, don't worry, if you give it away for nothing, I don't think according to the emperor's character, he will definitely not agree!"

Conan double advised.

But at the same time, I was very jealous of Feng Xi!

Fengxi has such willful rights, if she can do this, maybe she can really attract the attention of the emperor's uncle, and if she is not careful, the emperor's uncle will fall in love with her?

Wouldn't she just lose?

No... Having loved Uncle Huang for so many years, Feng Xi is just a latecomer!
Even if she can't get the emperor's uncle, no other woman can get it!

Ye Rumu is the best Liezi!

This is what happens when you fight against her!

"Shuang'er, what do you think I should do?" Feng Xi knew the relationship between Conan Shuang and Baili Yao's uncle and nephew, so she had no doubts about what Conan Shuang said. After hearing what Conan Shuang said, she immediately asked for help. Conan doubled.

Conan's thoughts were interrupted by Feng Xi, watching Feng Xi's hand grabbing her sleeve, pulling it down lightly, and said: "The most important thing now is to find the prince. Xi'er, you are a princess of a country, There will be many people under you, so let your people go and see!"

"What about me? Don't I have to go?" Feng Xi wanted to keep looking for it herself!When Baili Yao sees her in person, maybe he will be moved?

Conan shook his head and said: "Xi'er, you don't want to go! Maybe the emperor came back just after you left? Didn't you miss it by then? This Situ Chuxi has always liked the emperor When the time comes, wouldn’t it be a chance for others to take advantage of? Don’t worry, Uncle Huang will be back soon! I believe that Uncle Huang won’t be able to buy many herbs outside, so he will be back soon! You helped Uncle Huang when Uncle was most disappointed, what do you think will happen to Uncle Huang?"

"Plus, now that Ye Rumu is no longer regarded as a princess, the position of princess belongs to you!"

In fact, Conan Shuang is the person who most wants to be a princess, and at this time, he can only coax Conan Shuang against his will!

Conan lowered his head and thought for a while, and felt that what Conan said made sense!So I had no choice but to suppress the urge to find Baili Yao!

However, speaking of Ye Rumu, Feng Xi just felt angry!
"Where did this Ye Rumu hide? Can he hide like this? It's really annoying!" Feng Xi's tone was full of disgust. When she was in Dongxing before,
(End of this chapter)

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