Chapter 778 A Ye 5
"Everyone has gradually changed their views on human beings. Not all human beings are so hateful."

Father Aye said with emotion.

Ye Xiaoye blinked, and nodded in agreement, "Yeah, there are a lot of bad guys out there now!"

"Haha, is that right? We haven't stayed outside for too long, and we haven't seen many humans. Fortunately, your mother is there to help us, otherwise we might all be arrested by humans!" After all, if those greedy humans see After the dwarves, the first thought is definitely to catch them!

"Hee hee, but there are many good people in human beings, don't be afraid, uncle." Although Ye Xiaoye is small, he also knows why human beings catch dwarves, it is because they think the dwarves are special!
"With you protecting Uncle, Uncle won't be afraid!" Father Aye said jokingly.

"Well, don't worry, uncle, I will protect you!" Ye Xiaoye said with a very serious expression.

"Okay, now, uncle will tell you a story first?" Papa Aye asked with a smile.

Ye Xiaoye nodded seriously, "Okay! Uncle, tell me!"

So, within a day, Ye Xiaoye stayed at Aye's house, listening to stories, eating and drinking at Aye's house.

When eating, Ye Xiaoye has an illusion that he can eat very well!'s the same as usual...

Qingxin and Qingxue waited and waited, and finally got Ye Xiaoye back. After learning that Ye Xiaoye went to the dwarves, they felt relieved.

After all, Ye Xiaoye is also a descendant of their benefactor, so he shouldn't treat him too badly!
In the following time, whenever Ye Xiaoye was free, he would run towards the dwarves.

This time Ye Xiaoye learned to be smart and brought his own food...

It made Qingxin and Qingxue find it funny, but in comparison, the food intake of dwarves and humans is astonishingly small, and the other is large... Anyway, in the eyes of humans, it is a normal amount of food, but in the eyes of dwarves, it is eat too much...


In Qiangzhou, after Baili Yao heard that Ye Rumu had started to go to Shendaomen, he simply packed his things and was about to go out without saying a word.

Yunfeng and Yunxing followed Baili Yao with luggage bags on their backs, their expressions serious.

"Yao, where are you going?" Situ Chuxi had been waiting outside for Baili Yao to come out, but now that he was waiting, he saw that he was leaving?

Baili Yao glanced at Situ Chuxi lightly, and said, "Leave for a while."

"Why?" Situ Chuxi asked with a painful expression.

Why did Yao go out again just a few days after he came back?
Originally thought that Yao would not leave before the matter in Qiangzhou was resolved when Yao came back this time!
But now... reality dealt a big blow to Situ Chuxi!
Baili Yao still has to go!
"I think, where does this king go, it has nothing to do with you?" Baili Yao asked coldly and alienated.

It seemed as if he had never known Situ Chuxi before!
"Yao... Over the years, didn't I help you that time? When did I not think of you? What about you...Is this how you let me down? You don't need to love me, but I paid for you There are so many, how can you still ignore me like this! I am also human! And where you go, it has nothing to do with me? It has nothing to do with me, why should I ask you!"

(End of this chapter)

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