Chapter 779 A Ye 6
Situ Chuxi almost collapsed completely, and roared desperately.

Baili Yao still looked at her quietly like this, without any ups and downs in his eyes because of Situ Chuxi's words, and said lightly: "Get out of the way."

"I won't! If you don't tell me where you are going, I won't let you go!" Situ Chuxi yelled desperately.

His eyes were full of stubbornness, and tears filled his eyes, but he was just stubborn not to let the tears fall!

Looking at Situ Chuxi like this, Baili Yao didn't have anything else to say, so he repeated it and got out of the way!

But Situ Chuxi didn't want Baili Yao to leave!I feel that as long as Baili Yao leaves, he will never come back, let alone whether it will belong to her!

Therefore, Situ Chuxi will never let go!
Bai Liyao closed his eyes and asked, "Chu Xi, apart from the incident two years ago, which one did you help this king? Moreover, the request you made two years ago has already been fulfilled by this king." If you can do it, what else do you want? We have already paid both money and goods, and you are the only one who has been hysterically saying that this king owes you, and this king wants to ask you, what does this king owe you? "

Bai Liyao was very disappointed with Situ Chuxi. He didn't say love to Situ Chuxi before, but there was still some sympathy between friends.

In the end, I didn't expect such a result!

"I... Yao... I..." Situ Chuxi was left speechless by Bai Li Yao's question, yes... what happened two years ago, she helped Bai Li Yao's request, and Bai Li Yao had already completed it Oh, Baili Yao didn't owe her anything, she just couldn't love her, and she became more and more crazy...

"Could it be that you can't feel my affection for you?" Situ Chuxi couldn't refute, so he had to ask Baili Yao this question.

"It's your business that you have affection for others. Once your affection becomes unreasonable, don't expect others to hate you as if nothing happened." Baili Yao frowned, if only one person in the world If a person falls in love with someone, and the loved one is forced to accept giri, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

"..." Situ Chuxi didn't answer, just stared at Baili Yao's face, but no one could hate this face... On the contrary, the more you look at it, the more you like it...

"You said, I made trouble for no reason, and you hate me?" Situ Chuxi asked while laughing as if he had heard some big joke.

Baili Yao narrowed his eyes, "What you are doing now is making trouble for no reason."

"Yeah, I made trouble for no reason... For you, I didn't even have a home! You actually said that I made trouble for no reason? I just don't feel safe and just want you to stay by my side all the time. Am I wrong?"

"There was a mistake, and it was a big mistake. First, your family is gone, and it has nothing to do with this king. Don't think that this article doesn't know, it's because of your temper that you broke off ties with Situ's family in a fit of anger. It was before you helped the king, but it can’t be changed. You severed ties with the Situ family and has nothing to do with the king! The king has always known about this matter. If you think you are a smart person, don’t think everyone is a fool I have never exposed you, just because of the pitiful love! Second, you don’t feel safe, you can find someone who is willing to give you a sense of security, this king, not your beloved.

(End of this chapter)

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