Chapter 792 Looking for Baili Yao 7
He smiled and said, "Pavilion Master Yuexuan, let's just say it, there are no outsiders here!"

Ye Rumu snorted coldly in disdain, really don't regard himself as an outsider?
"Hey, it's actually quite embarrassing to say, because each of us in Yuexuan Pavilion is one against a hundred, so many people think that we have a particularly large number of people in Yuexuan Pavilion! But it's true!"

"In Yuexuan Pavilion, there are only twenty people who are idle all the year round!" Ye Rumu shook his head in embarrassment.

Twenty people?

What do you mean?
Jun Moli had a bad premonition and asked, "What does Pavilion Master Yuexuan mean?"

"Hey, it's not interesting! I'm just telling you that this pavilion master can only find twenty people! Alas, these people now! They don't listen to me at all, they are single-minded, and some of them don't know where they went No one can find it! So, Master Jun, what this Pavilion Master can do is to call all the people who can be found! But it is still not enough to see!"

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu's various helpless expressions, and felt amused in his heart, silently giving Ye Rumu a perfect score for his acting skills!
After Jun Moli heard it, he thought he had heard it wrong, and an unknown fire rose in his heart, he suppressed it fiercely, and asked: "You mean, you only brought twenty people? Pavilion Master Yuexuan, there are only [-] people in the Yuexuan Pavilion that you promise to be big? You think the sect master is a fool? Can you be deceived casually by you? Pavilion Master Yuexuan! You have disappointed the sect master too much!"

What can twenty people do?
Jun Moli really doesn't know!
"Who told you that my Yuexuan Pavilion is big? My Yuexuan Pavilion is only a small one! The number of people is really small! Otherwise, how could we just accept some incoming money quickly without causing trouble? Alas, Master Jun, just looking at it, I know that you don’t pay enough attention to us! Our Yuexuan Pavilion is actually just a group of scattered people with great martial arts! You don’t even know my Bitter! Some of these people don’t like to talk to the pavilion master, and if they don’t listen to the pavilion master, the pavilion master is also very helpless!” Ye Rumu cried.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu's appearance and thought it was funny, but Jun Moli was blown away!
"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, what do you mean?" Jun Moli's chest heaved up and down.

Ye Rumu blinked, and asked curiously: "Does Master Jun not understand what I said? It means literally!"

Jun Moli: "..."

"Don't underestimate the fact that there are only twenty of us! Each of us is one against a hundred! Otherwise, my Yuexuan Pavilion wouldn't be able to survive today! Master Jun, don't you think so?" Ye Rumu smiled. asked.


Jun Moli wanted to say something, but seeing Baili Yao's frosty face next to her, he didn't dare to say anything serious, and instead said sincerely: "Pavilion Yuexuan, the master of this sect knows that this sect It is my sect master’s fault that the master threatened you with your identity! But this sect master already knows that he was wrong, and I promise that there will be no next time! This time, I hope that the master of Yuexuan Pavilion can help this sect master through this After one difficulty, whatever Pavilion Master Yuexuan wants, this sect master will do his best to satisfy, Pavilion Master Yuexuan, what do you think?"

"Hmm...Really? Are you really not going to threaten the Pavilion Master with your identity again?" Ye Rumu was surprised and asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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