Chapter 793 Looking for Baili Yao 8
"Really! Pavilion Master Yuexuan, as long as you and the Regent can help the sect master this time, all the previous things will be canceled!" Jun Moli hurriedly promised.

Ye Rumu nodded, and looked at Jun Moli helplessly, "But this pavilion master only has so many people!"

"You! Impossible! Yuexuan Pavilion is a very important existence in Jianghu, how could there be only so few people!"

"Of course there are more than a few people!" Ye Rumu retorted dissatisfied.

Jun Moli was excited, and looked at Ye Rumu expectantly, hoping that what he said would make Ye Rumu send more people.

But Ye Rumu said with a dissatisfied face: "Of course there are more than just a few people! There are about forty people in our Yuexuan Pavilion! Of course, the other No. 20 people don't even know the owner of the pavilion. Where, but how can you say that there are only a few people in the Yuexuan Pavilion of the pavilion master?"

Jun Moli's cheeks were trembling with anger, and he stared straight at Ye Rumu, but he didn't know what else to say!

Well, since Ye Rumu is unwilling to bring out more people no matter what, what about Baili Yao?

Jun Moli thought, since he is Ye Rumu's husband anyway, so Ye Rumu's matter is Baili Yao's matter, right?
"Prince Regent? What do you think about this matter? Or, since Pavilion Master Yuexuan can't bring any more people here, let's see if you can help?" Jun Moli asked as calmly as possible.

I thought Ye Rumu would try his best to help him this time, right?The results of it?People still don't take it seriously!

There is no other way, I can only find some hope from Baili Yao!

Baili Yao glanced at Jun Moli lightly, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What does the Lord Jun mean?"

Jun Moli was taken aback, what else could this mean?
"I just hope that the regent can recruit some people from among your people first to help the sect master get through this difficult time. What does the regent think?"

"You have a good idea."

Hearing what Baili Yao said was a good idea, Jun Moli thought that Baili Yu would agree to him now!
As a result, Baili Yao said lightly: "Unfortunately, you can only think about it."

Jun Moli: "..."

Baili Yao also argued very well: "The soldiers under this king can only be used when they are fighting for the country. If this king moves at will, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people. Can the Lord be responsible for this king?"

Jun Moli: "..."

The group of iron cavalry left by the late emperor under your command are all for display?

Isn't it something you can mobilize at will?When can it be used only when the country is in trouble?
Jun Moli looked at the couple who had exhausted their excuses, and felt that the two were thicker-skinned than the other!
"Then tell me, what should I do?" Jun Moli couldn't bear it anymore!shouted loudly.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "How do we know this? We are here to be your servants, how to fight, naturally you have the final say!"

Baili Yao also nodded, "You are the leader, how can you give up the right to command to others? You should do it."

Jun Moli: "..."

Almost a mouthful of old blood spewed out!

Who did he call back?
"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, Regent, if my Shendao Sect suffers a heavy loss this time, don't blame the Sect Master for turning his face and denying anyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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