Chapter 834 Tianyu 1
The way it is now is actually because of the previous incident, so the door has to be closed!But in fact, the closure of that shop will not have any impact on the Ye family!And those shops are unknown to anyone except you and me! "

After Ye Rumu finished listening, his eyes widened in surprise, and his eyes were full of surprise when he looked at Ye Wensheng.

"So that's the case! If this is the case, there is nothing to worry about! Let Bailiyu worry about it!" Ye Rumu said with a smile.

Although Ye Wensheng didn't get in touch with Bailiyu often, he could also hear about the emperor from other people's mouths, and the two times he met summed up what kind of person Bailiyu was!

Ye Wensheng shook his head and said with a smile: "Mu'er, the emperor must have asked other families to donate money now, right?"

Ye Rumu was a little surprised that Ye Wensheng could guess it?
Nodded, "Indeed, Bailiyu has never let go of almost every rich family!"

Ye Wensheng nodded, and said with a mocking smile: "It really is so!"

"Father already guessed?"

Ye Wensheng nodded, and said, "Bailiyu has always been this kind of virtue. Mu'er, it's not like you don't know about the previous incident. That time, my father donated all his apparent property!"

Ye Rumu nodded, and said: "Father, I have donated for the second time now, and the number of people in other families is still no more than that of our Ye family. It is estimated that every family has hidden ones! Think about who is doing business. One is not a human being, how could it be possible to hand over all of them without reservation? Besides, the family has to be maintained! Bailiyu was too ruthless this time, and he didn't let anyone with a little bit of money go, which still caused many people to complain !"

Ye Wensheng laughed loudly: "Yeah, my father donated so much last time, and he still ranks first? Now, Bailiyu should believe that I really have no money!"

Ye Wensheng didn't even call the emperor anymore.

Ye Rumu also smiled amusedly.

"Father, in addition to caring about this matter, I want to tell you that we are leaving today! You can stay in the palace for a few more days." Ye Rumu felt a little guilty, but he didn't say anything. Stay with Ye Wensheng well, and I'm leaving again!
Ye Wensheng thought for a while, "Mu'er, you don't need to tell father where you are going, but can you tell father why you are going?"

"For Baili Yao, Dad, I kept it from you before, because I didn't want you to worry about me. Yao's body was poisoned, and he needed to get the antidote! But father, don't worry, someone will take us there, and there will be no danger. Something like that happened!" Ye Rumu knew it was useless to say anything now, so he could only comfort Ye Wensheng not to worry about him.

"Then Xiaoye..." Ye Wensheng mentioned Ye Xiaoye, if they all went, what would Ye Xiaoye do?
"Yao and I are always not by his side to accompany him. This time there will be no danger, so I want to take him with me. We can't let the child not be by our side all the time! And this time, we still have to go. I don’t know how long it will take! Yao and the child are related there, so safety can probably be guaranteed.”

Ye Wensheng thought about it, thinking that Ye Rumu had promised again and again that there would be no problem.

There was no objection, nodded and said:
(End of this chapter)

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