Chapter 835 Tianyu 2
"Okay! Since you can guarantee Ye'er's safety, I won't say anything more! If you want to go, hurry up and prepare, don't let the child's father wait too long!"

Ye Rumu twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "It's okay, let him wait."

Then, after chatting with Ye Wensheng for a while, Ye Rumu went to Baili Yao and Ye Xiaoye.

"Have you finished chatting with your father-in-law?" Baili Yao saw Ye Rumu coming, stepped forward, held Ye Rumu's hand, and asked softly.

Ye Rumu nodded and said, "Let's leave today!"

Baili Yao also nodded. It was originally agreed to leave today, so everything was ready, and I just waited for Ye Rumu to go and talk to Ye Wensheng.

The whole family plus Xuanjun, Qingxue Qingxin, and Yunfeng Yunxing who always followed Bailiyao, the group headed in the direction Xuanjun said.

Not long after they left the city, Bailiyu in the palace received the news that Baili Yao's family had left the imperial city and didn't know where they were going!

Bailiyu squinted his eyes. Recently, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao really go out frequently!
No need to think about it, Baili Yu just asked people to continue to follow Baili Yao and the others!
On Baili Yao's side, Baili Yao, who was originally closing his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and stared straight ahead.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Baili Yao's abnormality, Ye Rumu frowned and asked.

"There's a tail in the back."

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, Baili Yao has become more and more amazing recently!He just followed behind, and even the slightest movement could not escape Baili Yao's ears!

"There will be no other people here, and this trailing one didn't just appear, but followed us all the way from the imperial city to here." Baili Yao said lightly.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, has this person been with him for so long?Why didn't she find out?

It seemed that Ye Rumu was thinking about something, Baili Yao said: "When I was in the imperial city, I already paid attention to him. It's just that I'm not sure yet. When I get here, I'm really sure that no one will come Here."

Ye Rumu opened some curtains and looked outside. Indeed, apart from the trees, this is the only road here!Normally, no one should appear here!

And it has been a very long time since I left the place where there are people!

"Then what do you want to do now? Let him continue to follow? Or..." Ye Rumu said meaningfully.

Baili Yao shook his head, "It's not in a hurry right now, he will definitely send messages to Bai Liyu along the way, later, we will go another way."

"Father, are there bad people following us?" Ye Xiaoye asked after listening for a long time.

Baili Yao nodded and said, "Yes, there are bad guys following us!"

Ye Xiaoye hastily covered his mouth with his hand, "Are you good? Have daddy and mother ever beat a bad guy?"

"That's a must!" Baili Yao stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Ye Xiaoye's head, but Ye Xiaoye didn't appreciate it!

Turning his head aside, he said disgustedly: "Don't touch my head! I won't grow any taller!"

Baili Yao had no choice but to withdraw his hand, this little bastard, I don't know where I heard these untrue things!

Baili Yu's people were puzzled when they saw that Baili Yao and the others suddenly changed direction.

But thinking, he has been following very far, it is impossible to be discovered!So I had to keep going!

(End of this chapter)

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