Chapter 836 Tianyu 3
At the same time, I didn't forget to send a message to Bailiyu!

"The fish is hooked." Baili Yao said lightly.

After Baili Yao reminded Ye Rumu, after careful observation, he also found that there was indeed a person following him from a distance!
Probably thinking that it is impossible for Ye Rumu and Baili Yao to find him, there is no other defense except to hide a little farther away!

Baili Yao directly asked Yunfeng to guard behind him, and when the man came up, he immediately caught him!
When Yunfeng brought the man in front of Baili Yao, the man stared at everyone fiercely.

After seeing Baili Yao, he threatened viciously: "Do you know who I am? How dare you treat me like this! Aren't you afraid of being retaliated?"

"You're just a dog under Bailiyu's feet, and you still need to know who you are?" Yunfeng became violent when he heard this, and kicked Bailiyu's people hard.

"You! Now that you know that I am the emperor's man, why don't you let me go! And the regent prince, is this how you indulge your subordinates to bully the emperor's people?" Li Yao questioned.

Baili Yao looked at him indifferently, there was no need to interrogate him anymore, this was indeed the person Bai Liyu sent.

"Yunfeng, let's solve it." Baili Yaofeng said lightly, and it decided the life of a dark guard!

"Yes! Your lord!" Yunfeng nodded, without the slightest hesitation, he stepped forward and pulled the hidden guard to the other side to solve it!

There is still the little prince and the princess here, and they must not be allowed to see any bloody scenes!

The dark guard finally realized that he was panicking, and kept begging for mercy. Seeing that no one paid any attention to him, he changed to continue threatening!
Originally, this hidden guard showed such a fierce side because he was discovered!Who would have thought that the prince regent is not afraid of Bailiyu at all!

After solving the hidden guard, the group continued on their way.

Seeing the dark guard being dragged away by Yunfeng, Ye Xiaoye asked curiously, "Uncle Yunfeng, where did you take him?"

"Sent him back to his hometown." Yunfeng replied with a harmless smile.

Ye Xiaoye nodded half-understood.

"Uncle Yunfeng is really kind, and he even sent it back to his hometown! It's just Uncle Yunfeng, is his hometown here? Why did you come back just after you left?" Ye Xiaoye tilted his head and looked at Yunfeng.

Didn't you say send them back to your hometown?
The corners of Yunfeng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't laugh anymore. It was just a casual remark just now, how should he answer now?

"That's because someone took care of your Uncle Yunfeng, so someone else sent him away." Ye Rumu replied solemnly.

Ye Xiaoye nodded and said, " that's the case! Uncle Yunfeng, you are really a good person!"

"Pfft..." Ye Rumu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Ye Xiaoye tilted her head to look at Ye Rumu, and asked curiously, "Mother, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, good boy." Ye Rumu pinched Ye Xiaoye's cheek and said with a smile.

Ye Xiaoye nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He really can't understand the adult's world!
It went smoothly along the way, and there were no other major problems.

Occasionally encountering wild animals that appear in the mountains and forests is not a big problem.

After all, the beast saw so many people, but it ran away first!

Unless you encounter hordes of beasts!
(End of this chapter)

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