Chapter 848 Tianyu 15
He looked at Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye with disdain.

Ye Rumu glanced at Ye Xiaoye, raised his eyebrows, "We are just nobody, we have no identity."

"Oh? You don't have any identity, and you dare to be arrogant in my Miaojiang palace? Judging by the clothes you wear, you must not be from Miaojiang, and there will be no Miaojiang people who despise your own palace! Tell me, you guys Is it a spy sent by the enemy?" Lonely Smoke looked at the two warily.

Ye Rumu laughed, where did Lonely Smoke hear them say that they disliked the Miaojiang Palace, and where did they see their arrogance?
Simply, Ye Rumu didn't bother to talk anymore.

Ye Xiaoye looked at Lonely Smoke speechlessly, "Are you still being reasonable?"

Lonely Yan raised his chin, and said proudly and sarcastically: "This is my princess's home, you want me to reason with you? Are you okay?"

Ye Xiaoye frowned, "You!"

"Girls are too arrogant, you don't like them." Ye Rumu held Ye Xiaoye's hand and prevented him from passing, squinting slightly, looking at Lonely Smoke and said indifferently.

Lonely Yan sneered, "You actually said that this princess is arrogant? Not likable? Hmph! This princess tells you that there are many people who like this princess!"

"Oh? Really?" Ye Rumu smiled slightly, not paying attention to Lonely Smoke's sudden anger.

Lonely Smoke began to feel a little guilty. In fact, everyone was just trying to please her on the surface, and no one really liked her at all... probably that's it!

"Of course it is! People like you are not likable!" Lonely said confidently.

"This princess told you, you can go back wherever you came from, and don't stay here anymore! I don't want to see you!" Lonely Yan raised her head and said arrogantly.

Ye Rumu smiled and said, "We will leave naturally when things are done."

Although Lonely Smoke has a bad temper, at least he is a good person, so Ye Rumu really can't get angry?

What's more, they won't stay in the palace all the time, and they will follow Lone Liang back later!

"Hmph, I hope you can do what you say!" Lonely Smoke curled her lips and said.

In fact, she was very happy when someone came to the palace, but why should these people criticize Miao Jiang's palace?

Those people who used to say that the imperial palace in their home was better than Miao Jiang did not know how many times said it!But these two people don't even have a palace in their home, so why do they dislike Miao Jiang?

Moreover, it was said to be arrogant!

"Yan'er! Don't be rude!" As soon as Lonely Hong came out, he heard the dispute between the two sides, and immediately walked over to tell Lonely Yan to shut up!

When Lonely Smoke saw Lonely, it was as if she had seen a savior. She pointed at Ye Rumu and complained, "Father, this woman said I was arrogant! Father, am I really arrogant?"

"How could it be? My Yan'er is so sensible!" Lonely Hong comforted Lonely Yan, looking at Ye Rumu with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Lonely Yan is his most beloved daughter, and also the most sensible one. How could such arrogance appear on Lonely Yan?

"I don't know Miss Ye, why do you say that Yan'er is arrogant?" Lonely Hong frowned and asked.

"Ye'er just said that Miaojiang's palace is very different from our Dongxing palace. The Seventh Princess has been biting us because she dislikes Miaojiang's palace. And her words are ugly. Isn't this called arrogance?"

(End of this chapter)

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