Chapter 849 Tianyu 16
Lonely Hong frowned, looked at Lonely Yan, "Yan'er, what she said is true? Did you really do that?"

Lonely Smoke curled her lips, "How can there be? I just said a few words! Father, you have to make the decision for me!"

"Miss Ye, Yan'er doesn't think she will lie, and I hope you can tell the truth!" Lonely Yan suddenly lost all affection for Ye Rumu!
It's really not a good person to cause trouble when he first arrived!
Ye Rumu frowned, "So, because she is your daughter, you trust her with just one word from her?"

"Does my father still believe that you don't believe me because of your words? My father knows me best, don't try to frame me!" Although Lonely Yan said plausibly, her face No matter how proud you are, you can't hide it!

"Huh? So that's the case?" Ye Rumu smiled indifferently, watched quietly, and stopped talking indifferently. If she is not wrong, she is not wrong, and no one needs to believe it!

if only……

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao.

Baili Yao came over, took Ye Rumu's hand, looked into Ye Rumu's eyes quietly, and said without looking back: "Since Miao Jiang doesn't welcome us, let's go."



Lonely Hong and Lonely Liang shouted at the same time.

Baili Yao turned around and looked at the two with a serious expression, "I know what kind of temperament Mu'er is. Just like you trust your daughter, uncle, I trust my wife."

"What uncle? How could my father be your uncle? Where did you come from?" Lonely Smoke couldn't sit still after hearing this, and asked repeatedly.

Baili Yao just looked at Lonely Smoke, but didn't answer all the questions of Lonely Smoke.

"Yan'er, this is your Aunt Chang'er's son..." Lonely Hong replied.

"Aunt Chang'er's son? Did he say yes?" Lonely Smoke was inexplicably resistant to Baili Yao and the others!

In other words, he was afraid of being robbed of attention!

Because when I heard that this family came yesterday, Princess Lonely Liang was obedient to them!
Even the emperor heard about it, and immediately asked Princess Lonely Liang to bring him into the palace!
"It's not that I say yes, but... yes or no, it's not that important to us now. Uncle, let's go first." Bai Liyao nodded to Lone Hong, without any hesitation. He hesitated to leave.

Lonely Liang closed his eyes, "Yan'er! You are just messing around!"

After speaking, he hurried to catch up.

"Yao'er, Mu'er, wait!" Lonely Liang shouted from afar.

Baili Yao and Ye Rumu looked at each other, waiting for Lonely Liang to approach.

"Where are you going?" Lonely Liang asked worriedly.

"You guys just came to Tianyu and you are not familiar with the place, why don't you go back to live in the princess mansion first?" Lonely Liang asked.


"Okay, grandma knows that Yan'er's words are not pleasant to listen to, but what does that have to do with you living in my princess mansion? You are not familiar with the place, and you can't go far! Why don't you stay at the princess mansion now , How about leaving after getting used to the life here?"

Lonely and cool persuasion.

Baili Yao and Ye Rumu looked at each other, and Ye Rumu agreed before Baili Yao could speak: "Then interrupt!"

(End of this chapter)

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