Chapter 887 The Waiting Person 3
Except for the new disciple who didn't feel anything, all the people in Yiming Peak looked at each other in blank dismay. If they just listened to Ye Rumu's words, then what would happen to the headmaster and elders?
There are so many saintesses in the past, but I have never heard of them, who will dominate!

But now, it's useless to say more, it's better to wait for the saint to come back first!

"Master... This time, I always feel that I have a bad premonition." The elder said with squinting eyes.

When Ye Rumu comes back, his status will be higher than all of them. Is this feeling good?
The Second Elder shook his head, "Brother, you should relax first, but she is a little girl, what threat can she pose to us? Besides, whether Yiming Peak can survive or not depends on her!"

The leader nodded, "That's right, whether Yiming Peak can survive or not depends entirely on the saintess, let's not get confused! Holy lady, I don't care about Yiming peak's affairs!"

The Saintess Lianyi walked slowly in front of the head and the elders. The elders stopped talking immediately, looked at Lianyi, and asked, "What's the matter with the Saintess?"

Lianyi nodded and said with a smile: "When I was chosen by the Holy Lady to be the Holy Maiden, she told me that she had been waiting for someone, but she never got it. It was not until today that she was waiting for her."

"There is something wrong? Why didn't the saint tell us?" The head frowned, and there was such a thing?

Lianyi looked in the direction of the high platform and sighed: "Because she doesn't want anyone else to know until she finds the person she's looking for. So although I know that my time is approaching, I still don't care too much. I know, Those whom the Holy Maiden is waiting for will come sooner or later!"

As soon as Lianyi's words fell, everyone didn't know what to say.

Ever since Ye Rumu was picked up, no one left the area around the high platform, they were all waiting for news of Ye Rumu!

Baili Yao looked at the high platform, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Tian walked down, not forgetting to comfort Baili Yao.

"Sister Rumu was taken away by the Holy Maiden, there will be no danger, don't worry!" Jiang Tian assured her, patting her chest.

Baili Yao just nodded lightly and said nothing more.

Jiang Tian knew Baili Yao's temperament, so she curled her lips and stopped talking.

When Ye Rumu was taken away, she felt dizzy. When she opened her eyes again, she frowned at the white palace in front of her.

"This is..." Ye Rumu was puzzled.

The saintess I saw before now appeared in front of Ye Rumu completely.

"This is my secret realm." The saint answered Ye Rumu's question.

"Your secret realm? That is to say, is what I see now the real you? You don't, go to the world of cultivation?" Ye Rumu asked suspiciously, logically speaking.Didn't she go to the world of cultivating immortals?
"No, what you see is just my soul, the real me, in the world of cultivating immortals. I have been waiting for you, and now that I have waited for you, it is time for me to return to the world of cultivating immortals."

"Who the hell are you? Why are you waiting for me?" Ye Rumu frowned and asked in confusion.

The saint just smiled and said, "As for who I am, I will tell you personally when you arrive in the world of cultivating immortals."

"The most important thing for you to do now is to accept the ability I gave you."

"The ability of the saint?" Ye Rumu asked with a frown.

"That's right." As soon as the saint's voice fell,
(End of this chapter)

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