Chapter 888 The Waiting Person 4
Ye Rumu felt that he suddenly couldn't see anything!The whole person floated up, as if something was entering her body, and that thing seemed to be something ethereal and illusory, making it hard to figure out!
Ye Rumu suddenly felt that his whole body was floating, and his body was full of strength.

It's a feeling like never before!

After Ye Rumu slowly absorbed this strange power, when she opened her eyes again, the saint had disappeared!

"Are you still there?" Ye Rumu asked tentatively.

pity.No one can answer her anymore.

Ye Rumu felt a little regretful, because she still had a lot to ask her.

Forget it, after going to the world of cultivating immortals and finding her, it's not too late to ask.

Ye Rumu looked around, this place looked like a palace, doubts flashed in his heart, could this be the place where the saint lived?

Thinking this way, Ye Rumu had the idea of ​​going in and taking a look, so she also went in.

The inside of the palace is spotless, it doesn't look like a place where no one lives, but the facts prove that no one lives here, and the saint is just a remnant soul, how did she clean it?
Or, is this just an illusion?

Ye Rumu continued walking with doubts in his heart.

Ye Rumu saw a lot of women's items here, which seemed to prove that there are indeed people living here, but except for the remnant soul of the saint, she really couldn't see anyone!
After walking through the entire palace, Ye Rumu was amazed, nothing but amazed!

" it really an illusion? But if it is not an illusion, how can it be so strange?" Ye Rumu murmured.

Sudden!The palace in front of me slowly began to dissipate!

Ye Rumu was startled, and quickly stepped back a few steps, looking in surprise at the slowly disappearing palace.When the palace was about to disappear, she suddenly felt that she was suspended in the air!
Just when she thought she was about to fall to the ground, when she opened her eyes, she felt that her feet had already landed on the ground!

Ye Rumu frowned, looking at the people at Yiming Peak.

Everyone in Yiming Peak bowed down to Ye Rumu and said loudly, "Welcome the Holy Maiden back, see the Holy Maiden!"

Ye Rumu raised her eyebrows. It turned out that she would become a new generation of saintess in Yiming Peak.

Lianyi walked up to the high platform, took Ye Rumu's hand and said: "Rumu, you will be a saint from now on. During this period of time, I will tell you everything, and I hope you can do your best in the future." responsibility."

Ye Rumu nodded, "Of course I will try my best."

"So, then I can rest assured."

Lianyi looked at Ye Rumu lovingly, she was the one whom the Holy Maiden was waiting for, what kind of relationship did she have with the Holy Maiden?

Ye Rumu has become a saint, and she is qualified to take someone to the Holy Maiden Peak, so it is impossible for her to leave Baili Yao and Jiang Tian behind.

"I've been the only one living in this Saintess Peak for so many years, now that there are a few of you juniors, it won't be so deserted." Lianyi said with a smile.

"I heard that you have never been married, Holy Maiden, what is this for?" Jiang Tian couldn't help asking.

Could it be that after becoming a saint, you can't get married?
"I'm no longer a saint. If you don't mind, you can call me aunt. As for why you don't get married, this is my original letter.

(End of this chapter)

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