Chapter 911 Twilight Academy 5
Muyan popularized science to Ye Rumu and others, letting them know what is the most important thing in cultivation!
Qing Yao touched his nose and asked for advice: "What is divine consciousness?"

"This... I can't explain it clearly either! Anyway, everyone's innate consciousness is born with it. Wait until your consciousness is tested, and then start to learn how to practice, and then you'll be fine!" Mu Yan scratched her head, because every time Everyone knows that they have divine consciousness, but no one has really thought about it. What is divine consciousness?
Qing Yao nodded, "Okay!"

Seeing that Muyan was also speechless, Ye Rumu smiled amusedly.

"Master! Someone is coming!" Muyan yelled into the room as soon as she walked in.

A middle-aged man's voice came from inside, and asked lightly: "Take it in and have a look."

"Let's go, let's go, my master wants to see you!" Mu Yan said quickly, pulling Ye Rumu to walk in front, and the others had no choice but to follow after seeing this.

When Ye Rumu entered the room, he saw a man meditating on the bed/ta with his eyes closed, obviously, he didn't open them when he spoke just now.

"Why are you here?" The man, Mu Daoyu, the dean of the Twilight Academy, asked with his eyes closed.

"We want to practice and join Twilight Academy." Ye Rumu looked at Mu Daoyu and replied.

Mu Daoyu smiled, opened his eyes, and glanced at a few people, "It's been a long time since you guys have not started to practice. If you start to practice now, it will be ten times more difficult than when you were five years old. Do you really want to practice?" ?”

"Yes, we want to practice!" Ye Rumu said firmly.

"Then I want to ask you, what are you training for?" Mu Daoyu looked at Ye Rumu sharply.

Yes, why practice?Just because you came to the world of cultivating immortals, do you want to practice?
"You hesitated!" Mu Daoyu frowned, looked at Ye Rumu, and said.

"I didn't hesitate. I came from the lower world, and I came to the world of cultivating immortals to improve myself, and also to protect my family and friends! Is this reason enough?" Ye Rumu asked.

Mu Daoyu nodded, and said with a smile: "Of course it is enough, I just ask you. Everyone has their own path to go. Of course, choices and goals are also different, so whether you are Any choice is up to you to decide, that's all!"

"So, is the dean willing to accept us?" Ye Rumu asked again.

Mu Daoyu stroked his beard, looked at Ye Rumu and the others, hesitated for a moment, and said first: "Actually, our Twilight Academy is a fallen academy at present! The number of people in the academy is less than ten. Personally, you guys, are you still willing to join?"

Ye Rumu nodded, "Of course I am willing. Except for you, there is probably no one in the entire world of cultivating immortals who is willing to take us in!"

Ye Rumu felt a little amused. On the one hand, he was hesitant because he was worried that there were too few people, and on the other hand, he had to choose this place because there was only one academy willing to accept people.

In fact, to be honest, if there are such students like the Xinghe Academy, even if they are willing to accept Ye Rumu in the future, Ye Rumu will not go there again!
For Twilight Academy, the favorability is still very good!
"Okay! If this is the case, report your names and I will record it. From now on, you will be disciples of Twilight Academy!

(End of this chapter)

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