Chapter 912 Twilight Academy 6
I am the only teacher in Twilight Academy, so I am the dean and also the teacher!In the future, I will also teach you! "Mu Daoyu said with a smile.

Suddenly, there were one, two, three, four or eight more people. From now on, the Twilight Academy will also become lively!

Ye Rumu and the others reported their names one by one, and Mu Daoyu looked at Qingxue and the others strangely, "Your names start with Qing, so are you brothers and sisters?"

A few people at the beginning of Qing: "..."

However, although they are not biological brothers and sisters, they are better than their own!
Qingxue nodded and said, "Yes, although we are not biological brothers and sisters, we are better than biological ones!"

Mu Daoyu glanced at a few more people, and nodded in understanding.

Without asking any more questions, after asking a few people to report their names, Muyan brought her senior brothers here!
There are seven people in total, including Muyan Mu Daoyu, there are only nine people in Twilight Academy!

Mu Daoyu introduced Ye Rumu and the others to each other one by one.

"The eight here are the students of our Twilight Academy. They are all orphans, and they were picked up by me. Otherwise, I will be the only one left in this Twilight Academy! By the way, that one is Mu One, this is called Mu Er, and then Mu San, Mu Si, Mu Wu, Mu Liu, Mu Qi."

After Ye Rumu listened and looked at the seven senior brothers, he couldn't tell who was who!
"They are called Ye Rumu, Qingyao, Qingxue, Qingxin, Qingjue, Qingran, Yunfeng, and Yunxing! From now on, the eight of them will be your younger brothers and sisters. You must take good care of your younger brothers and sisters, you know No?" Mu Daoyu said sternly.

The seven senior brothers surnamed Mu were naturally very happy to see so many junior sisters and juniors suddenly appearing!Hurry up and promise that you will take good care of your brothers and sisters!
Seeing this, Mu Daoyu was also relieved. He was still very relieved about this group of apprentices!

"How about this, Muyan, you take them to the residence and arrange a place for them. We don't have many things here, but the most rooms. You can live in whichever room you want!" Mu Daoyu said boldly Said.

Ye Rumu completely lost the serious feeling that Ye Rumu had when he met Mu Daoyu just now, now it seems that he is also an old urchin!
"Okay!" Mu Yan agreed, and waited for Ye Rumu and others to go to the residence.

Then let Ye Rumu and others choose by themselves.

Because they knew each other, they naturally chose rooms that were close to each other. After they finished choosing, Mu Yan immediately called other senior brothers to help clean it!

After a busy day, the room where no one has lived for a long time is finally ready to live in!

Although Muyan cleans every day, it is inevitable that she has missed a lot of places.

After cleaning, it is finally barely livable!
After cleaning up, it was also night, and Muyan was the only girl before, so the cooking fell on her head!
It's not that a woman must cook, and her senior brothers can't bear her to work so hard, but the food they cook... Muyan really can't be flattered, so she has to go to the battle herself!

Qingxin and Qingxue also know how to cook, and when they saw that Muyan was going to cook, they immediately offered to help, and if they didn't know anything else, they should take a rest first.

Muyan readily agreed and did not shirk!Suddenly there are so many people, if we shirk, we don't know when we will be able to do it well!
(End of this chapter)

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