Chapter 915 Twilight Academy 9
Stone's reaction was so strong!
Mu Daoyu would never have imagined that Ye Rumu's blood would have such powerful power!
But before that, he was obviously just an ordinary person.

He doesn't even know how to practice!

However, Mu Daoyu also understands how powerful a person's spiritual power is, it doesn't have anything to do with her ability to practice before, it's an innate talent.

"How about this?" Ye Rumu didn't know how to look, and after the white light faded, he looked at Mu Daoyu and asked the stunned people.

"Powerful, really too powerful..." Mu Yan said in a daze.

Ye Rumu frowned, what is powerful?
"Your talent for cultivation and power of consciousness are simply too powerful! Hahaha, I have found a treasure!" Mu Daoyu suddenly burst into laughter.

Ye Rumu and others were taken aback by him.

"Master, master, let's keep a low profile and hide our achievements and fame!" Mu Yan said with a glare at him.

"Oh, yes, yes, my darling is right!" Mu Daoyu originally had his mouth cracked to the side of his ears, but he went behind him, and when he heard Muyan's words, he immediately stopped smiling and put on a deep expression .

Looking at Ye Rumu, he said seriously, "Rumu, Twilight Academy will rely on you from now on."

Ye Rumu: "..."

Is her talent considered good?

Ye Rumu didn't quite understand it yet, so he gave up his seat to the people behind him.

"Let me go first." Qingran squeezed away everyone, walked out, took the needle from Ye Rumu's hand, and impatiently pricked it into her own.

Ye Rumu was ashamed, looking at Qingran, if he felt sorry for him from the bottom of his heart.

Because Qingran was not very suitable for practicing martial arts since she was a child.

Maybe spiritual power suits him?

When Qingran's blood dripped onto the stone, the spirit stone immediately emitted a strong light, which was astonishing as Ye Rumu's just now!

"How about me? Am I suitable for cultivating spiritual power? Can I cultivate spiritual power?"

As soon as Lingshi reacted, Qingran couldn't wait to ask, he was very eager to gain power through spiritual power.Used to protect others to protect themselves, not always let people protect him all the time.

Mu Daoyu's current mood can no longer be described as excitement.

He looked at Qingran, as if he had found a treasure, and nodded repeatedly.

"Your talent is simply too heaven-defying! Don't worry, not only will you be able to cultivate spiritual power, your achievements will not be low, and you may even cultivate to the highest level and be able to ascend to the real fairy world." Mu Daoyu knew They didn't understand anything, so they quickly comforted them.

Don't let them think that such a heaven-defying talent is useless.

"Okay, I will definitely work hard to cultivate!" Qing Ran nodded seriously.Just now the master was not bad, not much different from his, so, that is to say, the master will also ascend to the fairy world in the future.So he must work hard to catch up with the footsteps of the Lord.

Next, everyone's talents are not very high, but they are not bad either.

It is still possible to cultivate it well.

Until the time of Qing Jue, Qing Jue's talent was actually the best!

At this moment, Mu Daoyu was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

He has so many treasures at once.

Mu Daoyu looked at them with a smile, all of them were proud.

snort!His Twilight Academy will surely flourish again!

(End of this chapter)

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