Chapter 916 Twilight Academy 10
Shock the eyes of those who looked down upon it!

His Twilight Academy is not easy to bully!

After knowing everyone's talents, Mu Daoyu called Ye Rumu and others into the classroom to meditate.

Mu Daoyu began to teach everyone how to sense aura!Turn it into spiritual power!
"First of all, let's take a good feel. Is there any spiritual energy around you? What kind of feeling does the spiritual energy give you?" Mu Daoyu asked.

Everyone closed their eyes and began to sense the existence of aura.

After a long time, Ye Rumu opened his eyes and looked at Mu Daoyu, "I calmed down and felt it with my heart, and I did find that there was a lot of aura flowing around me, and the aura gave me a fresh and comfortable feeling! There is another kind, the aura contains countless powers, it seems to be guiding me to absorb them, but they... can't enter/enter my body. "

Mu Daoyu nodded, and then asked others.

Basically everyone has different views on Reiki, but the only thing that is the same is that Reiki makes people feel very comfortable!
Mu Daoyu nodded in satisfaction, and said: "You can feel the existence of spiritual energy just by calming down. This is very powerful! Ordinary people need to use their spiritual consciousness to find it. To capture the spirit, but I feel it, the spirit wants to get close to you!" Can attract the spirit to approach the physique?Who are these people?

Sudden!Mu Daoyu's eyes widened.

The only ones who can automatically attract spiritual energy to them are those who come from... the Heavenly Realm!
In fact, the closure of the Ascension Road from Tianyu to the Xiuxian Realm by the Immortal Cultivation Realm is related to the heaven-defying innate ability of the Tianyu people!

Because of his good talent and this innate ability, he naturally cultivated faster than others. In the end, the people from Tianyu still offended him, and they just made up an excuse...

Alas... don't want to!
Those are old things from 3000 years ago!At that time, he was just a child!
After so many years, I have never forgotten the killing at the beginning!
Looking at the young faces of Ye Rumu and the others, although he didn't know if they somehow came from Tianyu, Mu Daoyu knew that he had to mention something about their ability!

According to what Mu Daoyu taught, everyone slowly let the aura enter/enter their bodies, and finally led it to the dantian, and slowly transformed it into their own power!

Looking at the crowd who would get angry without much teaching, Mu Daoyu felt relieved, but what followed was worry!

With so many people together, the spiritual energy seemed to find the direction of home, and it came straight to everyone!

Seeing everyone absorbing spiritual energy so frantically, Mu Daoyu knew that they couldn't let them practice anymore!

Quickly shot to stop it!
"You can no longer absorb spiritual energy! You just learned how to entrain qi. If you absorb too much, it will definitely bring a huge load to your body! Besides, you need to wash your marrow first before you can entrain qi normally. Cultivation! If you don’t wash your marrow, you will absorb too much spiritual power, and then there will be no place for the spiritual power to go, but it will squeeze your body!” Mu Daoyu hurriedly explained the pros and cons.

Ye Rumu frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on,

(End of this chapter)

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