Chapter 917 Twilight Academy 11
These auras poured in frantically, and they couldn't be stopped even if they wanted to stop! "

Mu Daoyu nodded, "I've already seen this, so I want to ask about your background!"

Mu Daoyu's expression suddenly became more serious, as if something important had happened, but where did it come from, and what local characteristics did it carry?
But that's right, only people from Tianyu have this feature, so Mu Daoyu doesn't suspect that they are people from other worlds!

"You have the ability to automatically attract spiritual energy. This ability is innate! However, not everyone is born with it, and I don't know how much God favors the lower world. The place called Tianyu has given all this ability to the people in Tianyu!" Mu Daoyu said while watching Qingqian and the others' reactions.

When talking about Tianyu, Ye Rumu's expression is indeed different!

"To be honest, we actually came from Tianyu! We didn't know that we would have such an ability!" Ye Rumu said ashamedly.

The others also nodded, talking to Mu Daoyu one by one.

Mu Daoyu nodded, and said: "I don't blame you for hiding me. Originally, Tianyu is a sensitive topic in the world of cultivating immortals, so if you don't mention it, you are protecting yourself, so there is nothing to blame you for this." On the contrary, I am very relieved that you know how to protect yourself!"

"But! In the future, what you need to pay attention to is not only not to say that you are from Tianyu in front of outsiders, but also to pay attention not to practice in front of anyone who cultivates immortals! As long as it is a person with a higher cultivation base, You can even see the changes in the spiritual energy around you, if you see the side where the spiritual energy is automatically attracted when you cultivate, danger... will come one after another!" Mu Daoyu didn't ask, how did they come here Yes, why did you come again?
From the beginning to the end, I was really only worried about their comfort, so that they would not put themselves in danger!
Ye Rumu's heart warmed up. In a strange world, it's a very good thing for strangers to care about him like this!
"Thank you Dean, we all remember this!" Everyone sincerely thanked.

Mu Daoyu nodded, and said: "I just wanted to teach you how to sense aura, but I didn't expect you to comprehend it so quickly! Anyway, you should read some books that Muyan found for you first, and learn about it. It's about training!"

Because Ye Rumu and others are newcomers with little experience, in addition to learning, they still need to watch, listen, and contact more!
But now, Mu Daoyu didn't dare to let them contact casually. It seemed that the matter of marrow washing was imminent!

Thinking of the marrow washing, Ye Rumu asked Mu Daoyu, "Dean, how do you do the marrow washing? Do you need anything?"

"Washing the marrow! This is simple and easy, and it is difficult to say. Everyone must wash the marrow when they start to practice. The marrow-washing pill is not uncommon! However, the marrow-washing is generally done at the age of five The marrow washing has been started around this time, you are now, I think your bone age is about 20 years old, right? I don’t know what harm or side effects the marrow washing has on you?” Mu Daoyu was worried. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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