Chapter 938 Washing Marrow 4
Lingling was stunned for a moment, and said amusedly: "My mother and I don't have a good relationship! That's why I just want to ask!"

"Why do you have a bad relationship with your mother?" Ye Xiaoye looked at Lingling with his chin propped up and asked curiously, why would someone have a bad relationship with his mother?Obviously he and his mother can get along so well!

"My mother passed away early." Lingling ended the topic with only one sentence.

"Oh..." Ye Xiaoye nodded and said nothing.

"You guys have been in the sect all this time, so you must be bored? After a while, there will be a competition for ranking among the various schools. At that time, all of our schools will go to watch, because after the college competition, It's our turn to compete with each other, Xiao Ye,
You have to practice hard!It's time to take you to join in the fun! "Ling Ling said with a smile.

Walking beside such an excellent man as Baili Yao, he will definitely attract a lot of attention, right?

And she also has Baili Yao, and Baili Ye must be like a family when they walk together!

Thinking about it, Lingling felt her mood improved a lot!
"Okay, okay!" Ye Xiaoye nodded sharply with his eyes bright.

Lingling smiled, Ye Xiaoye wanted to go so much, so Baili Yao would definitely go, right?

Sure enough, as long as many things are settled by Baili Ye, then Baili Yao will also be settled!


In the Twilight Academy, Ye Rumu finished his day's practice, stood at the door and looked outside worriedly, not knowing what he was looking at.

"My lord." Qingxue walked up to Ye Rumu with a bowl of ginseng soup, and said with a smile, "My lord, you have practiced all day, are you tired? Have a bowl of ginseng soup."

"Okay." Ye Rumu smiled and took the ginseng soup.

"Is the lord missing the lord and the little master?" Qingxue just saw the longing in Ye Rumu's eyes when she came, so she asked.

Ye Rumu nodded, "Well, I missed them, and I don't know how they are doing now? They should be somewhere in the world of cultivating immortals, right?"

What Ye Rumu was most worried about was that they would stay in Tianyu!

Because so many of them didn't fall too far, why couldn't they find Baili Yao and Ye Xiaoye?

"My lord, don't worry, we will definitely find the lord and the little master! When we are all able to cultivate and have the ability to walk in the world of cultivating immortals, we will find the whereabouts of the lord and the others!" Qingxue comforted.

Ye Rumu nodded and said, "I'm thinking the same way now. I can practice now, but your practice is still a difficult problem."

Ye Rumu shook his head, not knowing how to solve it?

"Actually, it's not impossible to solve it!" Mu Yan didn't know when she appeared not far away, and walked over slowly.

"Oh? Is there any way?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Mu Yan nodded, and said: "Yes, the method, Master has thought of it, but it is too dangerous, it is not something you can do now! Even Master said that he is not sure to do it! So I advise you Ah, let's practice honestly first!"

Mu Yan is not sure if Ye Rumu can do it!
Because this is something that even her master can't do!How could anyone else do it?

Muyan didn't believe that Ye Rumu could do something about it!
(End of this chapter)

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