Chapter 939 Washing Marrow 5
"You still tell me what is the solution." Ye Rumu shook his head, looked at Mu Yan and said.

Muyan frowned in confusion, and said, "Sister Rumu, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but that this method is too dangerous, and you can't do it now! What's more, my master doesn't want to tell you. What can’t be done, if you go, can you do it?”

Muyan doesn't believe that other people can do things that her own master can't do?
"If you don't tell me, how do you know that I can't do it? Maybe there are other ways?" Qingqian raised her eyebrows and said.

"Okay! I'll tell you! But don't tell others! Especially Master, he is afraid of you going, and the last thing he wants to tell you!" Mu Yanqian urged Wan Wan!
Ye Rumu nodded and said: "I just want to know what is the solution. As for whether to go or not, I will decide for myself. In short, I won't cause any trouble for you! Besides, even if I am not capable enough now, I can In the future, I will always be able to go, right? Didn’t you all say that the cultivation speed of our Tianyu people is very fast? Perhaps, I will be able to go soon!”

Muyan wrinkled her face, and said: "Sister Rumu, you must not say that, we are all one family, there is nothing troublesome or not, it's just... I'm just worried about your safety!"

Qingxue also said: "My lord, we don't really mind if we can practice or not. You must not take risks for us!"

Ye Rumu nodded, and said with a smile: "Of course I know, I won't do things that I'm not sure about, don't you guys understand me? Well, Muyan, tell us first, what is it?" Method?"

Mu Yan nodded and said: "This is what Master read in the book. It is said that on the top of the snow mountain in the distance, there is a Snow Maiden tree. The fruit on it is condensed for thousands of years. Once it is formed, it will last forever. Stay on the tree until someone picks it, otherwise, it will stay on it! But... Many people on the top of the snow mountain know where it is, but if you want to go there, it is not so simple! It is said that there are countless dangers there, and those who go there rarely come back alive, unless the spiritual power has been cultivated to the Holy Spirit! We are still only at the initial stage, and to reach the Holy Spirit, we have to go through the intermediate spiritual power Power, high-level spiritual power, ultimate spiritual power, can reach the Holy Spirit! It is said that after reaching the stage above the Holy Spirit, the gods, you can leave the world of cultivating immortals and go to the real world of immortals! It's just... haven't heard anything yet It is said that someone has reached the stage of a god!"

Ye Rumu nodded, now he is only at the elementary level of spiritual power, and he really doesn't have a little understanding of the higher spiritual power stage, and what Muyan said now, he has never heard of it!

"That is to say, only when you reach the stage of the Holy Spirit can you try it?"

Muyan nodded, "That can be said. But up to now, in the entire world of cultivating immortals, people who have reached the Holy Spirit stage can be counted with two hands! The number is too rare! Sigh... Master, in this life, still Until the ultimate spiritual power! He is also one of the best masters in this world of cultivating immortals!"

Ye Rumu frowned, waiting for the matter of the Holy Spirit... Guess, Qingxue and the others can't wait for such a long time?

(End of this chapter)

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