Chapter 940 Washing Marrow 6
Qingxue and the others can't wait for such a long time?

"Is there any other way?" Ye Rumu asked.

Muyan shook her head, and said: "If there is anything else, I washed their marrow like you did before, and when your skill improves, you can help them yourself!"

Mu Yan is very optimistic about Ye Rumu, and believes that Ye Rumu will be able to cultivate well soon!
"My lord, I think it's better to forget it. After your skill has improved, how about helping us?" Qingxue asked with a smile.

Ye Rumu had no other choice, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll help you guys when my skills improve, or, when the dean recovers, I'll take my time one by one."

"Well, good!" Qingxue nodded.

"Master, Qingjue has woken up!" Qingxin ran over happily and said to Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, Qingjue woke up so soon?
Sure enough, Qingjue is still powerful!

"Go and have a look." Ye Rumu said, and walked out.

The others immediately followed behind, following Ye Rumu.

In Qing Jue's room, other people had already arrived. At this moment, Qing Jue was meditating on the bed, as if he was cultivating, so everyone just waited aside and did not disturb Qing Jue.

After Qing Jue finished meditating, he saw Ye Rumu coming, and shouted, "Master, you are here."

"Well, Qingjue, how do you feel now?" Ye Rumu asked worriedly, because when she just woke up after washing her marrow, she didn't feel very good!

"It's okay, I just tried to cultivate, and I feel that the whole person is comfortable now." Qing Jue closed his eyes and felt the spiritual power in his body again, and now he feels lighter all over his body, which is unprecedented. The feeling of living!

"That's good." Ye Rumu nodded, feeling relieved.

After staying in Qingjue for a while, and talking about cultivation with Qingjue, Qingqian left.

Later, in the coming days of the college competition, everyone in the Twilight Academy was taking the time to practice, and during this period, for the victory of the Twilight Academy, Mu Daoyu also helped other people to wash their marrow successfully, but there were still Mu Daoyu didn't dare to move those who didn't have a strong sense of consciousness. It seems that they still need the Snow Maiden Fruit!
Qingyao, Qingxin, and Yunxing, the three of them were not weak in martial arts when they were in the lower realm, but in the realm of cultivating immortals, they couldn't even wash their marrow successfully!What a shame!
However, the three of them also expressed their indifference and took their time.

A few months passed in a flash, and everyone now knows everything about the world of cultivating immortals!
Ye Rumu's spiritual power has reached the ninth level of the elementary level, and he is considered a leader among his peers!

And Qing Jue is even more against the sky, has reached the beginning of the intermediate level!

You know, many people have not reached the intermediate level since they started practicing at the age of five!

As far as the people in Twilight Academy are concerned, Qing Jue and Ye Rumu are definitely against the sky. Their cultivation speed is beyond the reach of Mu Yan and others!
Now, the Twilight Academy's opportunity to rise is just watching them!
Soon, the day of the college competition will arrive. This time, although the Twilight Academy is still the same as usual, it is looked down upon wherever it goes, but this time, everyone found that the people of the Twilight Academy have a kind of self-confidence Feel?

In the past, didn't people from the Twilight Academy hope to not be recognized wherever they went?

(End of this chapter)

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