Chapter 941 College Competition 1
What happened this time?

People are beginning to fail to understand!
Because the Twilight Academy, in the eyes of other academies in the world of cultivating immortals, is an academy that is about to be eliminated, so the location assigned to the Twilight Academy is very small, even very remote!Anyway, there are not many people in the academy!Nobody cares about them.

It's just that this time, none of the Twilight Academy's people are afraid, and they are used to this kind of arrangement, but they are sure that next time they come back, they will definitely be arranged in a good position!That's right, that's how confident you are!

Seeing Muyan and the others so confident, the corners of Mu Daoyu's mouth twitched... what else could he say?
At this time, Mu Daoyu looked at Ye Rumu, Qingjue, Qingran, Qingxue, and Yunfeng with sympathy. Their cultivation speeds were all very fast, so they were within reach now, but they No actual combat experience!Mu Daoyu was really worried!

"Yan'er, Muyi, Muer, Musan, Musi, Muwu, Muliu, this time, it's up to you! Come on!" Mu Daoyu encouraged them!

"Don't be afraid, even if we lose, don't we still have Sister Rumu and the others? We are different this year!" Muyan said confidently, and the others also nodded.

In fact, Muyan and the others were just joking. This is a major event for them at Twilight College. How could it be possible that Ye Rumu is the only one working hard?

"You guys!" Mu Daoyu shook his head.

Mu Yan stuck out her tongue at Mu Daoyu, "Master, just watch with peace of mind!"

Mu Yan stood up, and pulled Mu Daoyu to sit down.

"Mother!" Suddenly, a childish voice with grievances rang out, which attracted the attention of many people around.

Ye Rumu, who was about to sit down, trembled when he heard this voice!The movement to sit down just stopped there, not daring to look back.

"Master..." Qingxue suddenly called Ye Rumu excitedly.

The others also looked at the owner of the voice, and when they saw that small, familiar figure, tears flooded out immediately!



Others called Ye Rumu one after another.

Ye Rumu felt that his whole body began to tremble, so many people saw that it was her child, this...couldn't be wrong, could it?
Ye Rumu turned around slowly and carefully, and saw that it was really Empress Ye Xiaoye!

Tears fell down immediately, and at this time Ye Xiaoye was already crying badly!
"Mother, don't you want me? Why don't you come and hug me?" Ye Xiaoye asked with aggrieved face when Ye Rumu finally looked over.

Ye Rumu shook his head again and again, using his spiritual power, he came to Ye Xiaoye's side in an instant, hugged Ye Xiaoye, closed his eyes and said softly: "Mother, how could you not want you...It's just that mother is afraid, this is just a dream... ...In dreams, you often appear in mother's dreams like this, and then when mother wants to hug you, you disappear...Ye'er...where have you been all this time? "

"Mother, don't cry. Didn't I appear in front of you properly? After we arrived in the world of cultivating immortals, we were rescued. Look, mother, I can now possess spiritual power! In the future, I can protect my mother!" Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu seriously and said.

Ye Rumu nodded, seeing that Ye Xiaoye was really well,

(End of this chapter)

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