People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 102 - The Alliance of Hands and Uchiha

Chapter 102 - The Alliance of Senju and Uchiha
The shouts in Nanhe Shrine were deafening.

Uchiha Tajima, who was a little unconscious, shook his head. He wanted to say to his tribe just now that we might be able to annihilate Senju at once by taking advantage of Senju's slack.

But after a trance, he lost part of his consciousness.

When Tajima realized it again, all the Uchiha elites in front of him had already raised their hands and started shouting something.

Lu Chuan, who was hiding in the dark, quietly covered his forehead.

He shook his head helplessly when he heard titles such as "the changer of the times" and "the glorious Uchiha" shouted by the Uchiha people.

Alas, the Uchiha clan's self-contained secondary attributes...

However, Lu Chuan also took advantage of the sense of honor of the Uchiha clan. The "strongest clan" and "no one dares to provoke" even said later that Lu Chuan almost said "unify the ninja world".

That's right, just now Lu Chuan secretly controlled Uchiha Tajima through the eye of reincarnation in the dark.

Tian Dao, who was only Sangouyu, couldn't resist Lu Chuan at all, and fell under the illusion of reincarnation eye just for a moment when they looked at each other.

Then Lu Chuan used "Human Dao · Heart Submersion" to pour the concept of peace into Tajima's mind, so that the basically unconscious Tajima said what he just said logically.

And through the overflow of some pupil power, it gave some psychological hints to the audience below.

In this case, Uchiha should have no major problems here.

Seeing the cheers of the clansmen, Tajima should also choose to sign a peace agreement.

Lu Chuan leaned against a tree, he thought, and slowly left the Uchiha clan.

The faces of the Uchiha elites in the Nanga Shrine are full of excitement, but some people have complicated expressions.

They haven't fully accepted the sudden reconciliation, but after putting on the hat of advancing the era, these people's sense of alienation from Qianshou has also decreased.

Because most of them are people who don't have too strong hatred for Qianshou.

Only a few of them looked indifferently at the cheering compatriots around them, and their hearts were extremely painful.

They didn't understand their compatriots, but seeing everyone excited, they could only sigh helplessly.

Tajima was supported by the happy Madara, and Madara was very happy at the moment. He looked at Tajima who seemed a little dizzy, and asked happily:

"Father, do you agree with my point of view?"

With one hand on his temple, Tajima barely stood leaning against Madara's body, Tajima looked at the cheering crowd under the stage.

Turning his head to look at the happy Madara again, he frowned, his head ached sharply, as if recalling some memory.

It seems... just now I said something to the tribe about the benefits of forming an alliance with Qianshou.

Tajima endured the severe pain, his mind was still a little dizzy, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked at the clansmen who were shouting loudly.

So, do they still want peace?
"Madara, help me back to the mansion."

Tajima's headache was unbearable, he said softly to his eldest son.

Madara responded quickly, and then helped his father and left Nanga Shrine among the carnival Uchiha crowd.

When he walked outside the torii gate of the shrine, Madara seemed to think of something. He looked worriedly at Tajima who had closed his eyes and meditated, and Madara shouted behind him:
"This clan meeting is over!!"

The setting sun fell on the scattered crowd of Uchiha.

They left the shrine in twos and threes, leaving only a few people to stop and pray in the shrine.


The next day.


Uchiha and his group stood on one side of the creek humming.

They were all ready to go, everyone put on the purple-black stacked armor, and stood in a row in a row, looking towards the other side.

On the other side of the river, a group of Senshou clansmen wearing green and white meeting robes, they saw the well-equipped Uchiha clan, and felt a little bit ominous.

Fujian's face was solemn, he thought that under the vow of Anko from Nanga Shrine, Uchiha should have agreed to reconcile.

But now that their armor is complete and their faces are excited, it seems that there is something wrong with the secret sentry.

Standing beside his father, Hashirama also frowned and looked at Madara who was standing beside Tajima on the other side of the stream.

Madara waved his hand quietly at Hashirama, indicating that there is no problem.

Only then did Hashirama heave a sigh of relief, when he was about to reveal the news to his father, he was stopped by Hirama beside him.

Tobima glanced at his father, but did not choose to let his elder brother tell him the news.

Although Hashirama trusts Madara, Madara may not be informed of the real plan by Tajima.

Therefore, Tobuma didn't dare to let Hashirama gamble the whole family with Madara to know the real plan.

With his hands tucked into his sleeves, Buddha looked up at the sun that was blocked by clouds, and raised his head and asked Uchiha Tajima, who was full of chilling aura on the other side of the river:

"Uchiha Tajima! Is this your answer?!"

After finishing speaking, Fojian quietly made a gesture to the assistant behind him, signaling the clansmen to get ready to fight or evacuate.

The assistant nodded and immediately passed on the news.

After hearing this, the clansmen of Senshou immediately grabbed Kunai, shuriken Senbon, and even a samurai sword from the cuffs of the robe, the leggings, the collar, and even the chest.

But they didn't fully show it to the Uchiha clan, they just held it quietly, making the effect of being unexpected all the time.

Tajima looked at the Buddha room seriously, he didn't speak, but raised his right arm and gestured to the clansmen behind him.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, and a layer of smoke and dust was stirred up on the other side of the river.

The smoke and dust blocked the sight of the Thousand Hands Clan, and they simply held their weapons in their hands, ready to defend against the enemies rushing out of the smoke.

After a while.

A gust of wind blew across the stream, and the smoke and dust on the clear water surface were slowly blown away.

The Uchiha clan with all their armor removed stood on the opposite bank of the river.

All the stacked armors were disassembled and neatly stacked under their feet.

All uniform blue-purple attire revealed.

That's right, the purpose of them wearing all the armed forces is to express what the "patriarch" described last night.

"Mutual Candor"

Seeing this, the Qianshou clan on the other side of the river dropped their weapons one after another, and stuffed their arms back into their sleeves.

Hashirama arched the door next to him with his elbow, and then smiled proudly at his younger brother.

He didn't speak, he chose to fold his arms and close his eyes, ignoring his elder brother.

On the other side, Uchiha Tajima turned around and brought a purple flag embroidered with the Uchiha clan emblem with a Uchiha fan from the tribe.

He bent his body slightly, and then jumped into the middle of the stream.


He slammed Uchiha's flag into the middle of the stream, then raised his hand and shouted to the person standing opposite him:

"Thousand-handed Buddha! This is my answer!"

(End of this chapter)

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