Chapter 103 – The Time Paradox

Fusama glanced at the Uchiha clan who had unloaded their armor on the other side of the river, and he smiled.

He also took a purple-red flag embroidered with the thousand-hand clan crest from the clansman, and then jumped to the middle of the creek.

Water splashed everywhere, and Buddha planted the flag next to Uchiha Tuanfan's flag.

Tian Dao and Fo Jian face to face, and the two old patriarchs who have been fighting each other for decades now have a feeling that they can finally take a break.


The two seemed to be deadlocked.

Fojian looked at Tajima, who was staring at him without speaking, without any movement, even expressionless, and frowned.

Hmph, Uchiha's bad habit!
Fojian complained silently in his heart.

Fojian has fought with the Uchiha clan for decades, and he has already figured out their characters thoroughly!
Fojian looked at Tajima's intention to continue the stalemate with him, and stretched out his right hand helplessly.

Tajima waited until Fojian stretched out his hand, then smiled easily, and took Fojian's hand.

At this point, the centuries-old war between Uchiha and Senju is over.



"Go home!"

"Captain Yidao, then we..."

There was a huge cheer from Qianshou, they were already tired of fighting all day long.

Now that the war is over, although the dead cannot be avenged, at least no one will die.

Hashirama raised his arms high, that's what he wanted at first.

The same goes for Madara on the other side of the river, he even ran over from the stream excitedly!

Seeing this, Hashirama also opened the restraint of Tomona, and ran towards Madara!
The two jumped up tacitly in the middle of the stream, and their hands clapped in the air.

Seeing this, the other Qianshou people also walked into the creek one after another, relaxing their tense spirits.

After the Uchiha clan felt the joy here, they also joined the party in the name of "protecting the young patriarch".

At this moment, the border of the Fire Nation is full of joy.


Lu Chuan sat in his room.

He should have been happy and happy too.

But now, the sudden accident made him feel puzzled.

In front of him, at the moment when Uchiha Tajima and Senju Buddha shook hands and made peace.

One side was about ten centimeters wide, and a pillar with no thickness "clang!" was embedded in front of him.

This flat pillar is translucent, and something is flowing on it.

And it's very hard, I don't know where it flew from, and the roof has no trace of breaking.

After asking about the system that he hadn't turned on for a long time, Lu Chuan got the answer.

this thing, called

"The Sanctioning Blade of the Time Paradox".

The general explanation of the system is as follows:

This translucent, thread-like pillar will increase as Lu Chuan does more things that affect his own existence.

In other words, what Lu Chuan did to make Uchiha and Senshou reconcile in advance affected whether Lu Chuan existed at the root.

And when the number of transparent pillars increases enough to surround Lu Chuan himself, Lu Chuan's time will be stopped and his existence will be eliminated.

Because by that time, Lu Chuan had already done something like "I traveled to the past and killed my young grandfather".

So he personally ceases to exist.

Lu Chuan was sitting on the bed, thinking carefully about what his actions had affected.

He came from Blue Star, and what he did in Hokage could not affect him before Blue Star.

Therefore, the part that will definitely be affected is what happens after you travel through.

Was it forced to stop traveling to Hokage?

No, this is not a subjective decision, it should not be.


Lu Chuan stood up from the bed, and the pillar in front of him was also raised a little higher, becoming the same height as Lu Chuan again.

It was preventing him from traveling back to the Warring States period!
Lu Chuan's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have figured out something.

The person who made him travel back is Minato, and the changes he made now may affect whether Minato can be born in the future.

Uchiha and Senju's early peace will surely allow many people who should have died to live.

And their descendants will naturally survive.

In other words, maybe one of these people will kill the boy or youth Minato or something.

If this is the case, without Minato, then I will not be sent back to Loulan in the Warring States Period!
Naturally, there is no present self.

As soon as Lu Chuan clapped his hands, he felt that he had probably figured it out, but the truth of the matter should be more complicated than these.

After all, he still doesn't know why Minato sent himself back.

He looked at the translucent and radiant pillar in front of him, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it.

Well, glass feels, but is very hard.

This is something that exists in theory, and it cannot be crushed by physics.

Lu Chuan touched the glass pillar with a width of ten centimeters and no thickness.

He wanted to see what would happen if he gave this thing a "serious punch".

The system also reminded me just now that if this thing blocks the line of sight, he can help hide it, but he will still exist there.

As Lu Chuan walks and moves, he will become shorter when he squats down, and he will become taller when he stands up.

Thinking about it, Lu Chuan knocked on the translucent glass.

Dangdang twice, nothing happened.

"System, help me hide this thing, it's too obstructive."

Lu Chuan looked at the paradox pillar fixed in his direction, although his reincarnation eyes had a wide enough field of vision.

But there is a translucent pillar in the field of vision, no matter how you look at it, it is uncomfortable.

As the system "received", the pillar slowly disappeared from Lu Chuan's eyes.

He tried to straighten his hand and touched it forward.

Stretched legs, enough enough.

Well, I touched it, and it is still in the original position, roughly a point on a circle with my head as the center and the whole leg as the radius.

Thinking with some emotion, he didn't expect to think of such a mathematical style of previous life. Lu Chuan slowly opened the door and walked out of the room.

He didn't deliberately hide his breath, but glanced towards the river bank lightly.

Looking at Uchiha and the Senju clan who were trying to talk, Lu Chuan smiled from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, he saw a four or five-year-old child in dark clothes secretly observing him.


After realizing that Lu Chuan saw him, the child from the Uchiha family yelled in surprise, and then threw the wooden Kunai in his hand in panic!
call out!
Although he is a child, as a child of the Uchiha clan, Kunai shuriken and other things are already very slippery.

Lu Chuan looked at the flying Kunai and was about to catch it and return it to the child when the flying speed of the wooden Kunai stopped abruptly.

As if hitting something, there was a muffled sound of wood, and then it was bounced off and fell to the ground.

Lu Chuan looked at Kunai lying in the grass, and his expression became extremely exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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