Chapter 104 - Farewell

"Ghost! Ghost!! Help——!"

The child of the Uchiha family looked at Kunai who suddenly fell vertically in mid-air, and was instantly terrified. He sat down in the grass, pointed at Lu Chuan with a shocked face and yelled.

Lu Chuan ignored the child, he stepped forward in a daze, and picked up the wooden kunai.

The kid in the dark clothes was not a fool either. Seeing that Lu Chuan didn't seem to care about his intentions, he quickly got up from the ground and ran away staggeringly.

Lu Chuan held the small kunai with one hand, and then aimed at the direction of the glass column produced by the time paradox in his memory, and threw it casually.

Meaningless, the wooden Kunai hit the paradox column again, bounced with a dull sound, and then fell into the grass.

"This kind of thing is very outrageous..."

Lu Chuan didn't pick up Kunai again, he looked at the paradox column that was hidden from view with the help of the system.

Lu Chuan originally thought that the existence of this thing should only be for himself.

For others, this thing should be invisible.

But now it seems.

Lu Chuan remembered how the Uchiha child was frightened and stupid after throwing away Kunai just now.

This paradoxical column seems to exist for other people as well.

That is to say...

I have an absolutely hard shield ten centimeters wide and 1.8 meters high?

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan looked around and found that the Uchiha child didn't call anyone over, so he put his hands in his pockets and walked back into the house.

Lu Chuan wanted to do an experiment.

The rules in the theory are materialized in reality in the form of physics.

So can this thing be broken by physical means?
inside the house.

After Lu Chuan clenched his fist and confirmed that he could control the range of the attack and that it would not affect the surrounding environment, he began to charge for a short time.

The chakra in the whole body poured into the right fist continuously, Lu Chuan stared at the paradox column in front of him, and he moved suddenly!

The right hand moved the whole body, the black hair on the top of the head began to fall off quickly, and then grew back again very quickly, Lu Chuan rushed to the paradox column all at once!

Immediately, a punch blasted out! !

[Million Series · Serious Punch]! !

After Lu Chuan obtained the "possibility of infinite breakthrough" from the bald body, his body will naturally break through to a new level in a few months.

Now, he has probably gone through three breakthroughs.

This is too far from the rhythm of the bald head itself becoming stronger almost every second, because this is the result of Lu Chuan's intentional suppression.

Well, he was afraid that this kind of conceptual baldness would one day be unstoppable even by a dirty body.

boom--! ! ! !

With the loud roar, all the strength and chakra of Lu Chuan poured on the paradox pillar in front of him!
A huge sonic boom cloud briefly appeared at the moment when Lu Chuan's fist was handed over to the paradox column, and then turned into a huge wave of air and spread out in all directions!

boom! !

The things in the house were rolled around by the air waves, and even fell to the ground with a bang, breaking into several pieces.

Lu Chuan waved his hand to disperse the fog in front of him, and looked at the paradox pillar he was holding against with his fist.

Lu Chuan rubbed his fist against the paradox column a few times, and after feeling the smooth paradox column, Lu Chuan withdrew his fist.

He scratched his head helplessly, it seems that this thing is really indestructible at the physical level.

"System, hide this thing."

Lu Chuan waved his hand casually, then turned and pushed open the door of his room.

He wants to meet Hashirama and Madara and celebrate with them for a while.

After all, this kind of harmonious situation was rare in the Warring States Period.

And this situation is promoted by several people, so it is even more worth celebrating!

That is, at the moment when the system hides the paradox column, there is a hidden "click".

The paradox column shattered suddenly, cracked the lines from the place hit by Lu Chuan, and burst out a few bright fragments.

But in the next second, the paradox column returned to its original state as if it had been refreshed.

But Lu Chuan didn't notice all of this, because it was systematically hidden.


The shore of the creek.

Hashirama and Madara were lying comfortably on the river bank, panting heavily.

The walking and running in the water just now was a bit exhausting.


Hashirama sat up abruptly, shook the water on his hair, and then asked Madara who was still lying on the side with closed eyes and resting his mind:

"Blade, didn't Lu Chuan say to come back after the matter is over?"

Madara heard the words, slowly opened his eyes, then folded his hands behind his head, crossed his legs, and replied in a flat tone:
"Don't worry, this guy will definitely come."

He turned his face sideways, looked at Hashirama's confused expression, and continued:
"Even if he is late, we now have enough time to wait for him!"

"That's right..."

"After all, there are no more disputes."

The two chatted one sentence at a time, and Lu Chuan had touched the grass behind them at this time, listening to their conversation quietly.

After a while.


Lu Chuan came out from the grass, and he looked at Hashirama and Madara who turned back with a smile on his face.


Lu Chuan waved to them, then came over and sat down on the ground.

The three of them just looked at the downstream river. Although they didn't talk much, they were not hostile to Uchiha and Senju's tribe.

At this time, Madara looked at the clouds slowly passing by in the sky, and unconsciously muttered:

"Then... what shall we do in the future?"


Lu Chuan slapped Madara's forehead lying down, and the crisp sound drew back the sight of Hashirama who was looking downstream.

Madara looked up angrily at Lu Chuan with a smile on his face, and Lu Chuan coughed twice pretending to be serious, then his expression changed, and he said to Madara:

"Although we are one step closer to our ideal village, even if we say that nothing will be done next, the village will be formed."

Spot nodded, and the anger in his heart subsided a little. It was precisely because he saw clearly that Uchiha and Senju were united, there would inevitably be a small family attached to them.

After going back and forth like this, the prototype of the village appeared immediately.

Therefore, it may only be a matter of time before the ideal peaceful and prosperous village is reached.

"However, we can't be passive and slow down because of this. There are still many people in the world who are suffering from the devastation of war, aren't they?"

Lu Chuan paused for a moment, then continued.

Lu Chuan had already planned for these.

He originally planned to go around the ninja world while Hashirama and Madara led the two clans to peace.

After he returned from traveling around the world, Hashirama and Madara had almost reached the position of patriarch.

Although the plan has changed now, his current purpose is still the same.

(End of this chapter)

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